Page 48 - NUMINO Challenge_B1
P. 48
Problem solving

1 There are 15 marbles are laid on the table. Two Key Points
players take turns picking marbles, and the player
who takes the last marble wins. If each player can Figure out which
pick up to 3 marbles on each turn, how many marble you should
marbles should one take first in order to win? take in order to take
the last one.

2 Two players take turns crossing out 1 to 4 days You will never lose if
on the calendar below. The player who crosses you cross out the
out the last date loses. If the first player starts 27th.
the game by crossing out the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd,
what date(s) should the second player cross out
on his first turn in order to win?


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