Page 56 - NUMINO Challenge_B1
P. 56
Problem solving Key Points
1 Two players take turns drawing a line segment to Think backwards
the right or upwards to connect one point to from the finishing
another. The player who reaches the finishing point, and find the
point first wins. If the opponent started the game points that you have
and drew line segments as shown below, how to connect.
can one draw a connecting line segment to win?
Draw a line segment on the game board below,
and explain why you drew it that way.
2 Two players take turns drawing and connecting Think backwards,
line segments to the right or upwards along the and find which
grid lines as shown below. A player can draw points a line
only one line segment of any length on each segment should be
turn. The player who reaches the finishing point drawn on to reach
first wins. Explain the winning strategy for this the finishing point.
53Puzzles and Games
1 Two players take turns drawing a line segment to Think backwards
the right or upwards to connect one point to from the finishing
another. The player who reaches the finishing point, and find the
point first wins. If the opponent started the game points that you have
and drew line segments as shown below, how to connect.
can one draw a connecting line segment to win?
Draw a line segment on the game board below,
and explain why you drew it that way.
2 Two players take turns drawing and connecting Think backwards,
line segments to the right or upwards along the and find which
grid lines as shown below. A player can draw points a line
only one line segment of any length on each segment should be
turn. The player who reaches the finishing point drawn on to reach
first wins. Explain the winning strategy for this the finishing point.
53Puzzles and Games