Page 35 - Catalogul Medicului 2019-2020_Final
P. 35



                                       Made in pure cotton 60% and polyester 40%.   Composition:   60% cotton - 40% polyester
                                                                                                           200 g/m
                                   Jackets are offered in white colour or in 3 different   Weight:         Ne 20 ± 2 2
                                                                                Yarn count - warp:
                                   colours.                                     Yarn count - weft:          Ne 16 ± 2
                                   Other 20 colours available in 60 days.       Construction - warp:         42 ± 3
                                                                                Construction - weft:         19 ± 3
                                                                                Breaking strenght - warp:     98 kg -5%
                                            JACKETS WITH PRESSURE STUD          Breaking strenght - weft:     39 kg -5%
                             Short            Woman              Unisex         Fastness to washing:            4
                             sleeves                                            Treatments and fi nishing:    crease resist
                                    Size  White  Violet   White  Blue  Light    Dimensional stability - washing at 90°C:   3%
                                                    Colour               Colour on
                                                   on request  navy  blue  request *
       Five                         XS  21561 21571 21591 21601 21611 21621 21651       20 COLOURS ON REQUEST *
       press                         S  21562 21572 21592 21602 21612 21622 21652
       studs                         M  21563 21573 21593 21603 21613 21623 21653  Tan   Coco beige  Empire red  Virtual grey
                                     L  21564 21574 21594 21604 21614 21624 21654
                                    XL  21565 21575 21595 21605 21615 21625 21655
                                    XXL 21566 21576 21596 21606 21616 21626 21656  Vert anis  Artic green  Verbena  Kelly green
       Two pockets                              TROUSERS - UNISEX
       and 1 breast          Half belt                            Light   Colour
       pocket                on back  Size  White  Violet  Blue   blue  on request *  Aqua  Prissy pink  Iride  Smokeberry
                                     XS    21491   21521  21531  21511  21551
                                      S    21492   21522  21532  21512  21552
                                      M    21493   21523  21533  21513  21553    Menthe    Doe     Yellow  Sun orange
       with 2 front                   L    21494   21524  21534  21514  21554
       pockets and          Trousers   XL  21495   21525  21535  21515  21555
       1 on back                     XXL   21496   21526  21536  21516  21556    RC blue  Magic azur  New azur  NYCO khaki
                            elasticated                                         * Available in 60 days. Specify size and colour with order.
                            waist   XXXL   21497     -      -    21517  21557   Minimum order 100 mixed pieces same colour.
           SURGICAL CAPS                                          DENTAL JACKETS

       100% cotton surgical cap with fantasy pictures or green.     DENTAL JACKETS  DENTAL JACKETS
       • 26166 GREEN CAP                                                           Short sleeves round-necked jacket
       • 26165 FANTASY CAP - light blue                26165                       with 2 buttons on right shoulder and
       • 26167 FANTASY CAP - beige                                                 5 hidden buttons.
       • 26168 FANTASY CAP - red                                                   One pocket and one breast pocket.
       Other colour on request. Minimum order 1,000 pieces.                        Green colour 100% pure cotton.

                                                                                            DENTAL JACKET
                                                                                    Size         Unisex green
                                                                                    XS             21000
                                                                                     S             21001
                                                                                     M             21002
                                                                                     L             21003
                                                                                     XL            21004
                 26166              26167             26168                         XXL            21005


                                                          GIMA ULTRA LIGHT SHOES
                                           200 g ONLY                                            ULTRA LIGHT SHOES
                                                          Protective shoes meeting requirements of   Size  White  Blue
                                                          working shoes norms EN ISO 20347: A E SRC
                                                          - extremely light: only 200 g per pair  34  20000 20020
                                                          - aerated: lateral holes provide aeration but   35  20001 20021
                                                          avoid liquid dropping in                36  20002 20022
                                                          - anatomic: respect natural foot anatomy  37  20003 20023
                                                          - antishock: maximum energy absorption in   38  20004 20024
                                                          the heel zone                           39  20005 20025
                                                          - antislip: the unique design of the sole's   40  20006 20026
                                                          tread meet the SRC requirements regarding
                                                          the slipping resistance                 41  20007 20027
                                                          - antistatic: antistatic non marking element   42  20008 20028
                                                          in the heel zone working even after many   43  20009 20029
                                                          washings                                44  20010 20030
                                                          - washable up to 50°C: with normal neutral   45  20011 20031
                                                          detergents, resistant to chemicals      46  20012 20032
                                                          or UV sterilizations  used in hospitals  47  20013 20033
                                                          - antibacterial, antimould, antifungus
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40