Page 383 - Catalogul Medicului 2019-2020_Final
P. 383



                              Life size in 2 parts.   Show internal structures including the   A general view of the
                            The anterior heart wall   cardiac valves and the comparative mor-  human circulation.
                              can be removed to   phology of the right and left ventricles.   It includes the heart
                           show the left and right   The right atrium is also removable.  (2 parts), lungs, liver,
                            ventricles and atria as                                     spleen, kidneys and
                             well as the tricuspid,                                    relevant connections
                            pulmonary, mitral and                                       with the pulmonary
                                 aortic valves.   40072                                    and systematic
              40071                                                                          pathways.

      Assembled   Disassembled
       Enlarged 2000 times,   40077
       this model shows                                                                                      40075
       the various types of
       blood cells, including                GIMA      HEART AND CIRCULATORY SYSTEM      Size    Weight  Parts  Magnif.
       red blood cells, white                 code                                        cm      kg
       blood cells (lympho-                  40071
       cytes, monocytes,                            HEART - mounted on base            11x7x10   0.23   2     1X
       neutrophils, eosino-                  40072  GIANT HEART - mounted on base      24x25x28   3.5   4     3X
       phils and basophils)                  40077  BLOOD CELLS - mounted on board     58x38x7    1.0   1   2000X
       and blood platelets.                  40075  CIRCULATORY SYSTEM - mounted on board 90x32x11  2.3  2   0.5X


       • 40090 MALE URINARY BLADDER                           • 40094 KIDNEY WITH ADRENAL
       WITH PROSTATE                                          GLAND+RENAL CORPUSCLE
       Size: 27x20x15 cm - 1,2 kg - 2 parts - 3X              Size: 40x15x8 cm - 1,2 kg - 1 part - 3X
       This model, enlarged 3 times, shows the male           This model shows a frontal section of the human
       urinary bladder with the prostate gland surrounding    kidney enlarged 3 times. The kidney is shown with the
       the urethra. The model is dissected medially to        renal capsule. Additional structures include: the cortex,
       expose both internal and external structures of the    medulla, pyramids with papillae, partially dissected renal
       bladder and prostate, including the ureteric and       pelvis, renal calices, ureter, blood vessels, suprarenal
       urethral orifi ces, ductus deferens, seminal gland,     gland with cortex and medulla.
       ejaculatory duct.                                      A schematic representation of the renal corpuscle with
                                     40090                                                                   40094
                                                              the system of collecting tubules is included.
           PELVIS - FEMALE AND MALE                                                 PREGNANCY PELVIS

                                           This life size model, composed of 4   40105  This life size model depicts the female human pelvis
                    40100                  parts, presents an open view through   in median section with a fetus in the 40th week of
                                           a median sagittal section of the
                                                                                pregnancy. The fetus
                                           pelvis. Internal structures of       is in the normal
                                           the male urogenital system           position prior to
                                           are represented in fi ne detail.      birth, showing the
                                           The removable parts include          anatomical rela-
                                           a half penis divided into            tionship between
                                           medial and transverse                various structures of
                                           sections, and half of the            the maternal pelvis
                                           male reproductive system             and the fetus. Fetus
                                           with an open dissection of           is detachable for closer
                                           a testis showing de-                 examination.
                                           tails of the internal
       This life size model, composed of 3 parts, shows an open
       dissection through the median sagittal section of the   GIMA  PELVIS  Sex  Kg  Parts  Mag
       pelvis. Internal structures of the female urogenital system   code  size cm  • 40110 PREGNANCY PELVIS WITH
       are portrayed in great detail. Removable parts include half
       of the female reproductive system with the uterus opened   40100  30x20x27  fem 1.7  3  1X  MATURE FETUS
       to reveal medial and transverse sectional views.  40105  30x20x27  male 1.7  4  1X  Size: 40x26x34 cm - 3.3 kg - 2 part - 1X

       • 40061 SKIN MODEL - 30X                               • 40060 SKIN MODEL - 70X
       Size: 20x15x15.5 cm - 1.2 kg                           Size: 25x18x28 cm - 1.5 kg
       Mounted on base                                        2 parts - 70X
                                                              Mounted on base
       All the skin layers can be easily                      Anatomical structures are shown in
       identifi ed and the main structures                     details including the hair follicles,
       such as hair follicle, sensitive                       sebaceous, glands, sweat glands,
       corpuscles, sebaceous and sweat                        erector muscles, Pacinian corpu-
       glands, are numbered and referred                      scles, nerves and blood vessels.
       on the accompanying k-card                             The different layers of the skin are
                                                              clearly defi ned. A portion of a hair
                                                              shaft can be removed to show
                40061                                         internal details.

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