Page 6 - Catalogul Medicului 2019-2020_Final
P. 6

ERKA stethoscopes, sphygmomanometers   234, 244, 246, 249
          ETHICON sutures                                40 K  KAI: biopsy punches and dermal curettes          42
          Exercise bands, tubings, mats              153-154      Kidney dishes/trays                      46, 49-50
          Extrication kits                              314
          Eye wash system                               333
                                                              L  Lactate scout                                   8
                                                                  LAERDAL training manikins                      II
       F  Face masks                                   17-18      Lamps                                  150, 199-206
               Faeces containers                         45       Lancets                                        5
          Feeding tubes                                  43       Lang stereotest                               228
          Fibre optics - cables/adaptors                195       Laryngeal masks                               325
          Files                                          35       Laryngeal mirrors                             34
          Filters: aspiraotrs, spirometers       161-166, 261     Laryngoscopes                          194, 326-330
          Finger cots                                    20       Laser therapy                                 146
          Fingerguard                                    54       Laundry trolleys                              115
          Fire blankets                                 347       Lice comb and shampoo                         79
          First Aid Cases/Bags/Rucksacs                58-63      Lifters                                       101
          Flowmeters                                    320       Light boxes                               143-144
          Foetal monitors                            169-170      Lights: examination, magnifying, theatre   199-206
          Foley catheters                                43       Light sources                                 195
          Foot stools                                   140       Limb clamps                                   227
          Forceps - instruments        26,29,31-34,36-38,173-174  LITTMANN stethoscopes                     235-238
          Forceps - electrosurgery                   190-191      Loupes - magnifying                       196-198
                                                                  Lung exercise devices                         262
       G  Gag                                            84
          Gallipots                                    46,49  MMagnetotherapy unit                          149-150
          Gauze, gauze pads                       80, 341-342     Magnifying lights                             205
          Gel: antibacterial                            348       Manikins-training                           II, 307
          Gel: lubricant                             43, 176      Masks - face protection                     17-18
          Gel: ultrasound, ECG, cosmetic,                                         281  Massage beds and chairs   135-136
          Germicidal ultraviolet light                  357       Mat: absorbent, anti slip                     18
          Gloves: copolymer, cotton, latex, nitrile, vinyl, holder   19-20  Mat: decontamination                352
          Glucose Monitor and strips                   3, 5-7     Mattress: antidecubitus                     97-99
          Goggles                                      15-16      Mattress, covers, pillows                 102, 149
          Goniometers                                    65       Mattress: physiotherapy                   149, 153
          Gowns: non-woven, polythene, cotton         21, 23      Mattress - vacuum
          Grab bars                                      88       Mayo tables                                   114
          Grasping tools                                 83       Measuring mat                           80, 341-346
          Grounding pads                                189       Medication products
          Guedel airways                                323       Mesotherapy                                   53
          Gynaecological beds/chairs                 125-127      Micro-hematocrit centrifuge
          Gynaecology - disposables/tests/sets       173-180      MICROLIFE B.P. monitors                       254
                                                                  MICROPORE                                     344
                                                                  Microscopes                            193, 206-207
       H  Hammers                                       225       MINDRAY ECG, ultrasound, pulsoximetry   273, 283-284, 298
          Hand towels                                    22       Mirrors ENT                                   196
          Handles for electrosurgery                    188       Mirrors larynge                               34
          Hanger - coats                             139-140      Mitten                                        84
          Head immobilizers                             316       Models - teaching                         371-376
          Head lights, head loupes, head mirrors     195-198      Monitor multiparameter and accessories    288-294
          Heat: Heating pads, hot-cold gel               84       Monofi lament                                  225
          Heel protector                                 99       Monopolar forceps, scissors, cables, handles   188, 191
          Height measures                                66       Mouthpieces - spirometry                      261
          HEINE dermatoscopes, oto-ophthalmo    207,209, 211, 214, 220  Multicare “in” device and strips         6
                sphygmomanometer                        247
                laryngoscopes                           329   N  Nail: scissors, cutters, fi les               35, 80
          Hemoglobin measures                           7-8       Napkins                                       22
          Histofreezer                                  193       Nasal speculum                                223
          Holloware plastic/stainless steel/disposable   46, 48-50  Nebulizers and accessories              155-158
          Holter: blood pressure monitoring, ECG   256, 276-278   Needle destroyer                              54
          Hot air sterilizers                        355-356      Needle holders                       29,31,35,37-38
          Hot water bottles                              84       Needles                                     51-54
          Humidifi er                                    155       NONIN: pulse-oximeters                    294,300
          Hypotermic blanket                            347       Nosepharyngoscope                             194
          Hysterography cups                            173       Nystagmus spectacles, videonystagmoscope      226
          Hysterometer                                  178
                                                              O Occluders                                       227
       I   Ice pack/spray, bags                      84, 347      Offi ce furniture                          137-142
          iHealth wireless healthcare products          1-4       OMRON: B.P. monitors,scale         II, 67, 69, 245, 253
          Incontinence pads                              86       Ophthalmoscopes                           209-218
          Infrared therapy lamps                        150       Optical tests                             227-228
          Infusion cuffs                                309       Optometric charts                      143-144, 227
          Infusion pumps                                310       Orthopedic products                       311-313
          Infusion sets                                  54       Otoscillo irrigation device                   221
          Inhaler                                       155       Otoscopes and accessories                 208-220
          Insect repellent devices                       79       Oximeters                                 296-300
          Instruments - stainless steel/tungsten       29-36      Oxygen concentrators                          319
          Instruments - sterile                          37       Oxygen cylinders and accessories              320
          Instruments kits: delivery, dressing, suture   33
          Invalid rings                                 100
          Ionophoretic generator                        150 P  Pads for defi brillators                          304
          Irrigation devices                         221-222      Pap devices                                   268
          Irrigation solutions                          349       Paper ECG, videoprinter                   279-280
          Ishihara test                                 228       Paper products                             22, 134
          Isothermic cover                              347       Papettes                                      177
          IUKO telescopes, projector                    198       Pap Test                                      176
          IV catheters                                   53       PARAGON blades and scalpels                   41
          IV stands                                     105       Patient trolleys                          107-108
                                                                  Peak fl ow meters                              262
                                                                  Pedal exercisers                              92
       J  Jackets: non-woven, cotton-polyester        20, 23      Pediatric tables, beds, cradles               105
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