Page 94 - Catalogul Medicului 2019-2020_Final
P. 94



                                                                                                     AUSILIO PER SCRIVE

                                                                                                        con capacità di presa ridot
                                                                                                      ortevole senza fatica.
                                                              • 28966 DRINKING GLASS -   • 28901 PENCIL GRIP -
                                                              box of 210                 pack of 2 pcs.
       • 28920 CUTLERY SET        • 28925 SPOON & FORK        Drinking glass made of     Rubber grip for pens or
       • 28921 BENDABLE CUTLERY SET  HOLDERS - pack of 2 pcs.  polypropylene with a      pencils. Helpful aids for
       Set of 4 pieces (knife, fork,   These portable, stylish holders   separated tap and a lip.   elderly or disabled people.
       tea and table spoon). Made   fi t onto virtually any style   Capacity 250 ml graduated by   These cushions are designed
       in stainless steel with thick,   spoon and fork providing a   25 ml. Autoclavable. Can be   in both shape and density
       ribbed rubber handle (10 cm)   secure grip (spoon and fork   disinfected in washer. Not for   to alleviate stress while
       for easy grip              are not included).          microwaves                 providing a secure grip.

       • 28950 EASY OPENER        • 28951 JAR OPENER & CLOSER  • 28945 SHOPPING BAG      • 28906 MAGNIFYING GLASS
                                  This uniquely designed      CARRIER                    Magnifi es two times larger
  a massima sicurezza all’utent This all in one product easily
  pleto per l’apertura di tappi di bottiglia, flaconi di pl
  eva, ottenibile con il minimo sforzo, tirare e s
       opens bottle caps, pull tabs,   product concentrates hand   This product provides an   than original size.
       and even those impossible   power to remove lids and turn   effort-free handle that   Large enough to do what’s
       box tops! Designed to provide  facets effortlessly.    remains constantly supportive,   needed, yet small enough to
       safety for the user.                                   regardless of bag loads.   be totally portable, fi tting
                                                                                         easily into purse or pocket.
                                                                                                 Can hold 1 to 3 keys.
                                                                                                 Keys fold into handle
                                                                                                 when not in use to slip into
                                                                                                     pocket or purse.
                                                                                                           Length 13 cm
                                           AUSILIO PER BOTTONI E ZI
                                                 problema attraverso la collocazion
               With cover                  di artrosi o dita deboli non esiste un’operazione più d
                                                       sportato facilme
       • 28912 SOCK AID NOTCH     • 28911 ZIPPER AND BUTTON   • 28940 EASY KEY TURNER    • 28941 MULTIPLE KEY TURNER
       Soft terry cloth on one side   PULLER                 pack of 2 pcs               Designed to assist person
       grips the sock, while smooth   For those with weak or   These enlarged key turners   with limited wrist strength
       nylon on the other side    arthritic fi ngers, there’s   are designed with the turning  or movement. People with
       reduces friction, allowing   probably no more diffi cult   effort already begun, so   arthritis or other limited hand
       your foot to slip in easily.   task than fastening a button!   completion of the turn is   mobility can manipulate keys
       Two long loop handles are   This unique product       accomplished with minimal   with ease. House keys and
       easy to hold and assist with   eliminates the frustration by   effort. Two different colours   most car keys (without plastic
       pulling the sock onto your   pulling the button or zipper   per package.          head covers) fi t into the slots
       foot. Ideal for those who have   into position.                                   and are held by a single screw.
       the use of only one hand or   Folds to half-length to fi t
       with decreased strength or   easily into pocket or purse.
                                                             • 28915 LONG BATH SPONGE
                                                             Lightweight sponge feature soft polyfoam attached to a
                                                             plastic handle. Available with contoured sponge.

       • 28963 GRASPING TOOL - foldable
       Your extended reach grasping tool will
       help you to eliminate bending or climbing for
       those hard-to-reach items.                            • 28960 GRASPING TOOL - 3 WAYS - 66 cm
       Length: 80 cm, foldable in 2.                         Aluminium body, PP handle. Three grasping ways:
       Locking tab holds the item in place.                  steel hook, magnetic tip, rubber head.
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