Page 12 - Rent v Buy
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At any given point in time, real estate go up over the years. The question you
values seem high or “expensive.” So a should ask yourself is how much house
lot of would-be home buyers you can afford to buy...and then analyse
continue to rent with some hope that whether buying it for that amount
prices will become more affordable. makes more sense than renting.
Or they’ll be in a better financial
position to buy a house at a later Here’s some food for thought. Consider
date. Unfortunately, they usually what rents were like back when bread
can’t outpace the market with their was a nickel. Now think about how
personal finances. And if and when much they are today.
real estate prices go down, they’re
Whether you decide to buy or rent, real
the same people who then question if estate values are almost always seen as
real estate is a good investment
too damn high... LOL. It’s just the way
because prices took a dip, so they
people feel and look at things. Always
don’t even buy then and take and forever. Think more about how
you’ll think and feel about whatever
The question you should focus on isn’t decision it is that you make a few
whether or not real estate prices are decades from now. Not so much how
too expensive or too high at the you feel right now.
moment. That’s relative and will likely