Page 4 - The Voice
P. 4
NOVEMBER 9, 2020
VOL. 2
The National Baptist Brotherhood Preamble
We the National Baptist Brotherhood Union Auxiliary of the National Baptist Convention of America, Inc
In order to foster the objectives of the National Baptist Convention of America,
We strive to promote Missions, Education and Evangelical causes around the World.
Mission Statement
The Brotherhood is an organized entity functioning under the direction of the National Baptist Convention of America, International, Inc. existing to make bold witness to the agenda of the kingdom of God through servant hood.
The mission of the Brotherhood is to enlist all men for Christ, to be bold witnesses through the mandate given in Matthew 28:19 to foster a bond between all men of the Convention at a National and local level.
Purpose Brotherhood Union
The purpose and policy of the Brotherhood Union is to:
1. Regard for Leadership.....Hebrews 13:7, 17
2. To Undergird the whole program of the church .....Acts 4:34-37, 1 Cor.12
3. Respect for the rights of others....Romans 14:1-10, Phil 2:3
4. The absolute Duty of each brother to live a Christ-like life. Eph 4:13-14, Phil 2;5
5. We advocate the necessity of Temperance 1 Cor. 3:16-17
6 The obligation of ever brother to pay his tithes. Mal. 3:8-10, Matt. 23:23
7 The right of every brother to use his talents and Opportunity to develop his faculties’
Rom. 12:3-13, & 15:1
8 To deepen Spirituality
Luke 5:4, Peter 3:18, Heb 5:11-14: 6:1
9 To promote religious intelligence and lead the lost to Christ. Proverb 3:11-13, 2 Tim 2:15
10 To lead the lost to Christ Matthew 4:19, John 1:35-42
Brotherhood Defined
A group, few or many, of consecrated Christian men organized and working together as a team to support and promote the whole program of the Church and Denominational work local, state, national and International.
Intent – Overview
To have a Brotherhood Union that is organized and meeting according to a regular schedule is good. This should not be the desired end, the object of finality. The president and other leaders should ever be mindful as Israel of old was. “There remaineth very much land to be
possessed” (Joshua 13:1). Sad is the plight, program and President of the Brotherhood whose leaders are “at ease in Zion” (Amos 6:1). They have no vision, therefore the undertake no venture. The desire to build a better Brotherhood is a very good thing to have in mind, but it should not be the final one. We will Build Better Brotherhoods. When the President and People have a mind to Work.
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Words From NBCA Inc. Brotherhood President Forestal Lawton