Page 16 - October 8th Edition Brotherhood Newsletter 2023
P. 16

Deacon Paul N Logan
Matthew 5:1-12 Luke 6:2 2023 Brotherhood Dallas Tx
The "Sermon on on the Mount" is placed near the the beginning of the the New Testament It's position indicates its importance The sermon opens with the Beatitudes or Blessings The first blessing is pronounced on the "Poor in Spirit" The poor in spirit are those who acknowledge their helplessness and rely on God's God's or God's God's omnipotence Jesus next spoke on those who "Morun" probably they are those people who mourn over their sins A third blessing is pronounced on the the "Meek: they shall inherit the earth' Those who remain calm gentleandpatientdespite there circumstances Jesus commanded the meek when he he he said: they are heirs of the the earth Then Jesus bless the believers which are "hungry and thirst after righteousness" These believers long for justices and goodness in the world while seeking to be upright and fair in in there personal relationship The next beatitude concerns the "Merciful" those who spread kindness and compassion wherever they they go In turn they they receive mercv from God The "Pure in Heart" (v8) comes next Believers who are genuine and honest in in all their dealings they will dwell in the the Lord's presences and enjoy communion with him The "Peacemaker" (9) are those who have experience God's peace and tell others how to have peace with him God will accept these people as his children Jesus now bless those who are "Persecuted" He said: " " " Blessed are are they which are are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the the Kingdom of heaven" Then Jesus says: "Blessed are ye when men shall revile you Sermon on on on the Mount Continue page 17
National Baptist Convention of America International Inc Brotherhood Newsletter

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