Page 12 - THE VOICE
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The Cross Award
A A native of San Antonio Texas
Ordain Deacon in in 1976
Member of Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church (Dallas) Dr Carlos D D D Williams Pastor
Brotherhood Man Of The Year 1980 and 2001 ◦
Received the PRMBC Brotherhood Brotherhood Brotherhood Brotherhood Legends Award
in 2015
Sunday School Teacher In
the Young People’ s Department
Former Vice Chairman of Deacon’ s s Ministry
Member of the Usher Ministry
received a a Trail- blazer Award
Brother Leroy Gant
President North Texas
District Association’ s s s s Brotherhood Union
President Dallas City Wide Brotherhood ◦
Second Vice President & Coordiantor for the Men & Boy Conference for the Brotherhood Union
of the the Missionary Baptist General Convention of Texas
Former Special Assistant to the the President of the the Brotherhood of the the National Baptist Convention of America International Inc ◦
Proud father of four and grandfather of ten
Brother Leroy Gant
has served as
the the special Assistant to the the President for a a number of years Despite his achievements in the Brotherhood he he has never considered any task too low to to perform to the best of his ability National Baptist Convention of America International Inc Brotherhood Newsletter