Page 14 - THE VOICE
P. 14

The Cross Award Bro Leon Owens
Brotherhood Auxiliary
(Compiled by Bro LeRoy Johnson)
Who’s Who Who Encyclopedia Britannica states and I quote the first Who’s Who Who in America of Notable Living Men and Women of America was first published in in Chicago in in 1899 Merriam Webster Dictionary describes Who’s Who Who as a a a a a brief biographical sketch of persons in a a a a a particular field the leader of of an elite group group a a a a a a listing or grouping of of a a a a a a notable person And the Bible also talks about Who’s Who Who for in Psalms 37:23 it states that that the the the steps of Psalms 1 Blessed is the the the man that that walketh not in the the the counsel of of the the the ungodly nor nor standeth in in in the the the way of of sinners nor nor sitteth in in in the the the seat of the scornful Why? Because his life is is blessed He has a a a a love for God’s truth he he lives a a a a life of strength why? Because he he shall be like a a a a tree planted by the rivers of water he he has a a a a a fruit filled life God’s favor is with him and God watches over his his way And it gives me great pleasure this morning to to to introduced to to to some and present to to to other our Who’s Who Who speaker this morning he he set under the tutelage of of Ira Clark one of of our great spiritual layman leaders and the first President of HCBBU as a a a a a a a a young man man he he he was the the chauffeur of Ira Clark and at the the same time being hone for his journey on this Christian walk You do know that Proverbs 27:17 says “Iron sharpens iron and one man sharpen sharpen another ”
He is is a a a member of of the Historical St John MBC of of Houston Texas under the leadership of Pastor Rev Dr T Grant-Malone where serves as as a a a a a a Deacon the the the the President of of the the the the Brotherhood a a a member of of the the the the Men’s Sunday School Class an Usher a a a a member of of the the Culinary Committee one of of the the Vice President of Houston Citywide 14
National Baptist Convention of America International Inc Brotherhood Newsletter

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