Page 6 - The Voice Brotherhood Newsletter June 2022
P. 6
Baptist Seminary of Kentucky When we started with them about three years ago people said why would you go go and partner with with that predominantly white seminary? I said because they want to work with with us us The student body was 11% black when we started registration At the beginning of this semester it has now grown to 60% African American That seminary gives 10 10 100% paid scholarships every year Our State President of Louisiana is is a a a a a a a a student at at BSK and he he does not have to pay tuition He is is on on on one of of the the scholarships You should Google the the the Baptist Seminary of of of Kentucky Look at at at some of of the the programs that's going on on because anytime a a a a a a a a a a denomination is is not promoting the training training Christian education training training training of of our leaders we're going going to go go go out of of business We have the training training going going on and we thank God for all that he he is doing If you are resident resident of of the the state of of Kentucky there is a a a a a a special scholarship for every resident resident of of Kentucky that that goes to to Simmons College Of course that that would not apply to to most of of you you cause you you don't live in in Kentucky But in in addition to to that our National Baptist Convention gives money money to to Simmons College every year The money money that is given by the College and Seminary Board provides scholarships for students to to go to to Simmons College Currently we are under a a a a a a a a a new finance plan called the GIVE Partnership Program and when we get to our our maximum our our Conventions will be given Simmons college for scholarships $260 000 a a a year President Tolbert says that will reach people outside the state of Kentucky If more individuals Churches Associations and State Conventions signed up to this systematic monthly GIVE program we can provide mission growth along with Christian education And when you you you come to to the Convention you you you don't have to to register If you you you give as as an individual on on on on on a a a a a a a monthly basis a a a a a a a Church on on on on on a a a a a a monthly basis and and Association and and State Convention then we distribute the the money by percentage We can divide for for for foreign mission for for for education as as well as as the the many things that we we do do including funding funding our our auxiliaries to do do do their work and funding funding our our headquarters so that we don't have pressure offering at at the Convention We are trying to to simply get 750 churches to to give $125 a a a month Amen And when when you you you do that when when you you you you you come to the convention you you you you you pick up your registration material you you you you you you don't register And when the the the youth come with you you you you for the the the the Youth Convention they do not have to to pay extra registration All of the the the the youth you you bring they just go to to to to class How about that? So we are trying to to to to get 750 churches to to to to do that 35 state conventions to to to to give give $150 $150 a a a a a a a a month month and 75 associations to to to give give $150 $150 a a a a a a a month month And when you come to to the three meetings (Mid-Winter Broad Meeting National National Congress and National National Convention) you don’t have to register No no your money will already be there You don't have to register with the the the the Mission Department Department Department Department the the the the the Brotherhood Department Department Department Department the the the the Usher Department Department Department Department Department and the the the the Department Department Department Department Department Department Department Department <laugh> amen If you give this way it's automatic and we're trying to to to to get 3 500 individuals to to to to sign up up to to to to give $50 a a a a a a a month Once that's done we divide it up up our our percentage and take care of our our work that that would give give us enough money to to give give $650 000 a a year to foreign mission Just doing it it that way It's much easier Amen And it's not pressure on anybody You can can go to our website www nbcainc com and and you can can sign up right on on the the the website and and all of the the the information about the the the GIVE program If you would would do do that that that that would would help us do do do more more more work and do do it in a a a a a a more more more excellent more more more organized way 67
Partnership Program continue from page 4