Page 84 - FDCC Pandemic Book
P. 84

Living in a Pandemic: A Collection of Stories on Coping, Resilience & Hope
promoting Safety & Wellness and Diversity & Inclusion through our firm committees of those names. With mental health problems and racial tension plaguing the country amid the pandemic, it was important to move our internal initiatives in these areas forward. Our committees met, revised their programs’ mission and vision, and planned several companywide events intended to spark dialogue and help one another through this time.
Another lesson learned early on was that unexpected challenges could lead to opportunities for growth. Once the impact of COVID-19 became clear in mid-March, businesses of all kinds, including us, were looking for a path forward. As lawyers, we were fielding questions from clients daily about ever-changing laws, regulations, and best practices. As a firm, we brainstormed to develop a COVID-19 Resource Center and COVID-19 Legal Response Team, a multidisciplinary approach to providing legal services, advice, and counseling to clients. Like many firms, we found ways to pivot in response to the pandemic and provide meaningful content to our clients to help them during this time.
Almost everyone was caught off-guard by the speed with which the coronavirus moved through the country beginning in March. Businesses were forced to recalibrate quickly and make snap decisions, including mine. Over my first several months as managing partner, it became clear that finding creative solutions during a crisis requires forward thinking. Being able to adapt to a new situation is critical to leadership. As the pandemic wore on during the early months of my tenure as managing partner, my confidence as a leader grew. One positive result of the pandemic for our firm was that it required the new leadership team to take charge quickly and find footing. There was no honeymoon period.
Without question, assuming the position of managing partner at the start of a pandemic was less than perfect and did not follow the previously laid out plan. However, we still effectively navigated the transition. Looking back, it was not just the steps taken during the pandemic that were key to our success, but the firm’s solid and longstanding foundation from which we were able to launch a new leader amidst a crisis.

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