Page 37 - Flyer Spring 2023
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  organized and to better tell the client’s story. One app that instructors demonstrate and teach is TrialPad for iPad. FedTech U also features a series of guest lecturers who present on utilizing both the native features of
the iPad Pro as well as various applications that can be used to do things such as create interactive timelines to better tell the client’s story.
FedTech U also explored utilizing the iPad Pro to manage pdf files and discuss how to create an organized presentation workflow using apps on the iPad Pro. FedTech U faculty and presenters are committed to helping attendees become more proficient at using visual presentation technologies to enhance their powers of persuasion. Any FDCC member who wants practical advice on using technology to enhance presentation skills for any type of scenario should attend future offerings of FedTech U and receive
the FDCC’s coveted Technology Master Advocate designation.
Fed Tech U has been very well received by FDCC members in the past and below are just a few of the comments from past participants from Fed Tech U:
“Wonderful classes this weekend.” “Presentations were awesome.” “It is a fantastic program.”
“I enjoyed Fed Tech U and how very much I appreciate all of the work and attention you provided to make the program a success.”
“It was truly transformative, and I am so grateful.”
“Just wanted to say thank you to all the people who put Fed Tech U together – just finished my first trial after
attending and it was awesome to be so comfortable with TrialPad and tech in general.”
“I did my closing just walking around the courtroom with just my iPad, exhibits, etc. Total game changer for me.”
At FedTech U, faculty and presenters are always available to answer specific questions on any and all technology tools and apps featured including TrialPad for iPad. FedTech U faculty members and presenters also discuss topics such as: 1) utilizing advanced features of iPad Pro and 2) maximizing the ability to tellourclient’sstorywithtechnology. FDCCmembers should therefore consider registering for and attending future FedTech U offerings conducted by the Evolve Committee. Be sure to watch for announcements to register and attend FedTechU 2024.
Jimmy Wilkins is a member of Watkins & Eager PLLC of Jackson, Mississippi and chairperson of the FDCC’s Evolve Committee. Contact him at:
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