Page 43 - Flyer Spring 2023
P. 43
Jodi Briandi
I currently serve as the Managing Partner of Hurwitz Fine P.C., a position I’ve held for the past three years, in addition to being a 25-year litigator. I assumed the position of Managing Partner in May 2020, at the start of the pandemic, which quickly led to a crash course in crisis and
is invaluable. That is just one of the things the Law Practice Management Section provides.
Our goal for this Section is to engage section members, invite conversation, provide content to members
and to be an information sharing forum. Whether
you are the managing partner of your firm, on your firm’s executive committee, the head of a department, chair of a practice group, or supervising attorney, you undoubtedly face management and practice issues every day.
For 2023, we launched the Law Practice Management Town Hall Webinar Series. These are bi-monthly
law firm management. Three years later, I still have a long list of things that keep me up at night and busy during the day. For many in leadership positions at our firms, learning on the job is not uncommon¬-—that’s because we are lawyers first and CEOs second. For this reason, having a community of colleagues and network
section title
Lawyers Helping Lawyers
The Law Practice Management Section’s
Steadfast Commitment to Supporting the Bar
By Jody Briandi
spring | federation flyer 40