Page 45 - Flyer Spring 2023
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FedLIFE 3.0
The FDCC’s Investment in You
 By Lee Hall & Kile Turner
  Lee Hall
Kile Turner
March 2023 marks FedLIFE’s third birthday and our mission remains the same: to provide a forum whereby we celebrate and improve the things that make
FDCC members
attorneys to develop into well trained associates? Join Marisa as she addresses solutions to the erosion of firm culture and training.
In the Fall of 2022, FedLIFE launched its own
podcast titled “Your FedLIFE” which features short conversations with FDCC Members and others who have transformed their lives or who have an interesting hobbyoruniquetalentorskill. Sofar,wehavefeatured Vicki Smith (on her sabbatical), Joe Falasco, and Courtney Schulnick (on mindfulness). We are always looking for an opportunity to showcase our members, so if you know someone with a great story, please let us know.
If you were in Nashville, we hope that you saw our FedLIFE program on “Looking for Help in All the Right Places,” which featured a discussion of how to identify and meet the needs and crises that we all face within our families, firms and organizations. Kile Turner moderated a discussion with Evelyn Davis, Gena Sluga, Human Resources Director Dawn Anderson, and the
Executive Director of TLAP, Buddy Stockwell. One take away is that our employees are
facing issues every day that extend far beyond alcohol use and abuse.
They have sick children, sick parents, mental health concerns and financial concerns that can
impacttheirpractices.Fortips on how to identify and address
those concerns, and how to foster a healthy work environment,
look no further than the FedLife paper on “the Ethical Implications of
AttorneyWell-Being”.https:// docs/Events/2023/Winter/16- SocialWork.pdf.
“Even Better People.”
Kile Turner and I strive to make FedLIFE a dynamic group that changes to meet the needs of our members, even as those needs shift. In 2022 and 2023, we have seen a growing need to focus on culture. How do we foster the culture within our firms and organizations that have allowed us to succeed in the past, and what does that look like in a world where many firms are working remotely 2-3 days a week?
FedLIFE’s webinar series is continuing with The Culture Club, a webinar/podcast to provide a forum for a roundtable discussion where stakeholders can share ideas, problems and solutions on how to foster and maintain an invested team. Marisa Trasatti is
kicking off this initiative with a program with Logan Lumos and Aaron Burton from Sciton on how it has created
and fostered a People First culture
that has resulted in increased employee retention, productivity, andsatisfaction. Inarecent
Law Practice Management webinar, one take away was
that many firms have landed
on a compromise of 2-3 days in the office, with 2-3 days of remote work. Withonly2-3daysinthe office, how to you continue to foster the work and training environment that allowed our
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