Page 47 - Flyer Spring 2023
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 to wide participation. First, they are expensive. Registration costs are high, not to mention the travel, hotel, meals, and cost to the firm for losing a week's worth of billable hours. Second, these programs are disruptive as having an attorney out of the office
for a week can cause many issues. Third, fewer and fewer attorneys who would most benefit from these programs want to attend them. Thus, even though in-person training programs have and will continue to play an important role in training young lawyers, there is a need and want for virtual trial training.
The entire program is pre-recorded and can be used in whole or in part at the user's choice and pace.
This program entails no in-person nor any live virtual training. The entire program is pre-recorded and can be used in whole or in part at the user's choice and pace. It will include short training videos, podcasts, online exercises, and a training manual. All the content will be provided by our members for our members and their firms. We will not procure CLE nor set up live meetings or training sessions; it will be entirely streaming plug-and-play.
If you want to participate and share your expertise and wisdom on an FDCC trial training video or podcast please contact Kile Turner or Frank Ramos.
Francisco “Frank” Ramos, Jr. is an FDCC Defense Counsel Member and a Senior Director on the Board. He is also a partner with Clarke Silverglate P.A. in Miami, Florida and can be reached at
 Fed-Trial Virtual Training
  Francisco Ramos, Jr.
By Frank Ramos
Numerous in-person trial training programs conducted by IADC, NITA, state bar associations and other local bar groups provide quality trial skills training, typically over a week of in- person education. These are great programs but pose several hurdles
 The Trial Program
The program has four parts
Training Videos
We record 5-10-minute training videos addressing almost everyfiniteaspectofatrial. TheFDCCwillhousethese videos on its website on a member-only page reminiscent of a Netflix-style page.
The podcasts are a series of interviews with our most seasoned trial lawyer members sharing their experiences, war stories, and advice.
Training Exercise Videos
In addition to the training videos on various aspects of
a trial we will record a series of videos that firms can use
to run through instructional exercises with their lawyers. These videos provide exercises that firms could play in their conference rooms with their young lawyers and roleplay independently.
An Electronic Training Manual
An e-book walks students through a trial with links to training videos, podcasts, and exercise videos. Our members can use the e-book in two ways. First, provide the e-book
to their associates to permit teaching of the associates by themselves on their schedule, timing, and pace. Second,
the e-book can be used as a manual to for the outline and implementation of a firm’s own in-house trial training program where lawyers are assigned readings, videos, and podcasts to study and watch the exercise videos together.
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