Page 48 - Flyer Spring 2023
P. 48

    FDCC Pillars
Member Communications Committee is Getting it Done
By Frank Ramos & Kile Turner, Co-Chairs
     Francisco Ramos, Jr.
Kile Turner
It has long been said that effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship – whether within a family, firm, company or even within our own Federation. And as you know, theFDCCisallabout“relationships.”Our communications allow us to get to know
one another better, build our culture, trust and rapport, and make
us even more cohesive as an organization. In that vein, the Member Communications Committee remains hard at work doing what it does best – communicating and collaborating with FDCC members!
Weekly committee meetings are keeping things moving. Our most recent achievement is development of a permanent FDCC app, which was rolled out in time for the Nashville meeting. We are hoping that you have had the opportunity to download and engage with other FDCC members who are now also using the app both within and outside of the meetings throughout the year. If you have not yet had thechance,justgototheAppstoreandsearchfor“FDCC,”download the app and begin exploring all its features. You can search for members, engage with the Substantive Law Section members and essentially have the entire FDCC website in the palm of your hand or on your device.
The MCC also has two more e-books in the till and should be out in their final form soon. The books are focused on recommendations from our fellow members on “Trial Tactics” and how to care for aging parents.

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