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spring | federation flyer
organized. The program also discusses using various
note-taking and PDF annotation apps to become more
organized in law practice. Fed Tech U also addresses
the use of anatomy illustration apps as visual aids
in explaining human anatomy at issue in a lawsuit.
The course also addresses using the Transcript Pad
app to organize testimony and issues across multiple
depositions in a case.
Fed Tech U features multiple members of the Evolve
Committee assisting the attendees and coaching them
on the use of the technology. Additionally, before
attending Fed Tech U, attendees receive instructional
videos tailored to utilizing the tech at the highest levels.
Further, Brett Burney of Burney Consultants also
presented at Fed Tech U. Brett frequently lectures on
using an iPad Pro to do more than play games. Brett
has given dozens of highly engaged CLE-approved
iPad presentation courses nationwide. These courses
demonstrate to lawyers how an iPad can be an effective
and valuable part of daily law practice. He also provided
custom iPad training sessions for lawyers, law firms,
and corporate legal departments. Tara Cheever also
presented at Fed Tech U. Tara is the co-founder and
chief product officer at LIT SOFTWARE, a company that
creates innovative and easy-to-use software that equips
lawyers with the tools to be successful in law practice,
including apps such as TrialPad, TranscriptPad, and
In conclusion, Fed Tech U is an excellent weekend
two-day technology workshop beginning on Friday
that will no doubt enhance the lawyer's ability to tell
the client’s story through the use of technology. There
is something to be learned by all attendees, no matter
the technological skill level. Attendees also gain a better
appreciation and understanding of how the various
technology tools can significantly enhance the lawyer’s
ability to be more organized and, thus, more effective in
law practice.If you missed out on being with us this year,
please consider joining us in 2025.
Jimmy Wilkins is a Vice-Chair of the FDCC’s Evolve Committee and
Chair of Fed Tech U Committee and a member of Watkins & Eager’s
Jackson, Mississippi office. Jimmy can be reached at
FDCC members have to always be aware of ways to better tell the client’s story through
the use of technology.
FDCC MEETINGS - Looking Back
Fed Tech U 2024

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