Page 9 - FDCCFlyer_Spring2024
P. 9

Officer Reports
spring | federation flyer
you prefer a paper version of the
roster or the always-at-your-side
convenience of the FDCC365 app
or website from your phone or
tablet, the FDCC network provides
you the strength of having a 1000+
member firm of highly vetted and
qualified attorneys throughout
North America and beyond. I
personally have been able to send
my clients to attorneys I know will
treat them the way I would in other
jurisdictions, get reality checks on
how my arguments or strategy will
play in different jurisdictions, find
exactly the expert I need for a given
issue, borrow a conference room,
and obtain examples of masterful
cross examination testimony on
opposing experts from this group.
And, I have created some of the
most meaningful friendships in my
life through this group. When my
father passed away two years ago,
the outpouring of support from the
FDCC members and their families
helped me through that time. If I
had to count the number of times
I have laughed until I cried with
this group, I’d be hard pressed to
come up with a number that seems
unbelievably improbable.
6] Bring in those who come
behind you. I received an invitation
to serve as a new member host at
my second meeting. In part because
I am an extrovert and love hearing
about the lives of others, and in part
because I am terrible at saying no.
I responded to the inquiry, saying I
didn’t know if I had much to share,
but I would be happy to do so if they
needed someone. I was paired up
with Marisa Trasatti, who is in many
respects, the east coast version of
me, and we’ve been friends ever
since. I’ve volunteered nearly every
meeting since then to serve as a
new member host, and have had
the opportunity to connect with
and get to know people I might not
otherwise have bumped into in
their early meetings. I’ve developed
deep friendships with many of my
new members and before I got tied
up with so many board obligations,
one of my highlights was arranging
a dinner on the dine around nights
to invite my current and former
new members. I’d encourage each
of you to engage in this or a similar
I am challenging each and every
member to try out at least one of the
tips above this coming year and tell
me your success stories in “Finding
Your Place” in the FDCC.
Heidi Goebel is the President-Elect of
the FDCC and named partner at Goebel
Anderson, P.C. in Salt Lake City, Utah. Heidi
can be reached at
and get engaged in the FDCC
by joining the substantive
law sections and requesting
appointment to any of
the committees.
Alternative Dispute Resolution Section
Appellate Law Section
Civil Rights and Public Entity Liability
Class Action an Multidistrict Litigation
Commercial Litigation
Construction Law
Data Breach, Privacy and Cyber Insurance Law
Drug, Device and Biotechnology
Employment Practices and Workplace Liability
Energy Utilities Law Section
Extra Contractual Liability Section
Healthcare Practice Section
Insurance Coverage Section
Intellectual Property
International Practice and Law
Law Practice Management Section
Life, Health and Disability
Premises and Security Liability
Product Liability
Professional Liability
Property Insurance
Toxic Tort and Environmental Law
Trial Tactics, Practice and Procedures
Admissions Committee
Advisory Team
Amicus and Public Policy Committee
By-Laws and Resolutions Committee
Contracts Committee
Sponsorship Committee
Convention Review Committee
Corporate Counsel Committee
Diversity Committee
Finance & Budget Committee
Lifetime Achievement Committee
Meeting Sites Committee
Membership Development Committee
Membership Retention Committee
Professional Women's Forum
Evolve - Tech U
Ladder Down
Projects & Objections Committee
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