Page 50 - FDCC_Summer2023_Flyer
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Interested in holding an informal gathering of FDCC members in your city?
Join the many who have enjoyed getting together for a Happy Hour, Dinner, family picnic, even a ball game, in cities across the country. It’s a great way to stay in touch in between the Federation’s larger meetings during the course of the year. This is a new initiative started last year as FDCC members organized smaller networking events across the country to help keep members engaged between our larger meetings and enjoy each other’s company and FDCC fellowship.
The theme of these social gatherings is “The First Round is on the FDCC!” Chairpersons in participating cities
are choosing dates and locations for these events, which will feature hors d’oeuvres, refreshments, and comradery.
It is hoped these gatherings will provide FDCC members a fun and convenient opportunity to see one another in person after many years of remote work, Zoom court hearings and depositions, and practicing law by electronic means. Members attending these meetings are also encouraged to bring along colleagues and friends who they believe could qualify as potential FDCC members to come and experience what it means to be part of the Federation.
To organize an event in your city, please contact our Chair, Dan McGrath at Hinshaw & Culbertson ( for all the details!
Here are some photos of FedMEETS events that have happened over the past several months.
San Francisco, CA
Cleveland, OH
47 summer | federation flyer