Page 3 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 3


                      Terminology                                  Description

                           FRDM               Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia

                             KL               Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

                           SFRS               Setapak Fire and Rescue Station

                           HCAS               Hospital Columbia Asia Setapak

                            HCS               Hotel Columbia Setapak

                            SCM               Setapak Central Mall

                          Building            SOP to evacuate building if emergency happen
                    Evacuation Plan           in the building
                      Terminology                                  Description

                            ERT              Emergency Response Team

                            SOP              Standard Operating Procedures

                           S.E.P             Smart Evacuation Plan

                         UUKBS               Small Building Unify Law

                       UBBL 1984             Uniform Building By Law 1984

                                             Time to get out of the building if emergency
                    Evacuation Time
                                             happen in the building

                            ROI              Return Of Investment

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