Page 2 - Portfolio_Kartikay Singhania
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                     ABOUT ME

      Being passionate about art, currently pursuing Bachelor's of
      design (Interior designing) from International School of
      Design, Delhi. Looking forward for a job where I can utilize
      my skills to contribute the organization success as well as
      my personal growth.                                                    CONTACT


                                                                              Sector 7, Gurugram
         Plast India (Event)
         Created an plan layout for Plast India
         exhibition  at Pragati Maidan, Delhi

        Emaar Imperial Garden                                               EDUCATION
        Created an furniture layout, section elevation, floor
        plan, crockery and mandir unit, elevation of T.V wall               Bachelor Of Design
        and coffee table.                                                   International school of design,
                                                                            New Delhi
        Meghalaya (real client project)                                     2020- 2023
        Increase curiosity and invite appreciation for the                  The Design Village, Noida
        culture, craft and biodiversity of the Nokrek and                   2019- 2020
        Jakrem regions of Meghalaya.
                                                                             Class 12th
        Miniature of a building                                              Salwan Public School, Gurugram
        learned Different processes and techniques of                        2019
        construction by making a miniature of a building.

         ACHIVEMENTS                                                         MY SKILLS

         Certificate of participation, in the Inter-State design
         competition organized by APKA INTERIOR.                             Auto Cad
         Participated in festival of architecture & interior

         designing (FOAID) exhibition 2021.                                  Sketch up
         Participated in ACETECH exhibition 2021                             Photoshop
         Secured a perfect score of 100 in fine arts in class
         12th CBSE Board exam.                                               Design Thinking
         Participate in various inter-school chess                           Sketching
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