Page 195 - 2023 PPIAC RMIC BOOK
P. 195

Prepare…Review all available

                                  Discovery and Disclosures

                     qRecords (medical, civil, criminal, education,
                         employment, etc.)

                     qReports (law enforcement, investigating agencies –

                         OSHA, NTSB, etc.), prior investigations, etc.

                     qAudio and video of recorded interviews

                     qScene and incident diagrams and photographs

                     qVictim and witness written statements

                     qDO NOT leave any form of record unchecked!

                          (Missing or conflicting information)

                          Prepare…Investigative Strategy

                     qDevelop case specific investigative strategy

                          ØAll incidents are reported to or investigated (OSHA,
                             NTSB, Risk Management, Road and Bridge, etc.)

                          ØBut not all reported incidents are investigated

                     qWhat: Evidence or witnesses are time-sensitive

                     qWho: Additional or expert information sources

                     qHow: Find witnesses, reports, photographs,

                         experts, etc.
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