Page 205 - 2023 PPIAC RMIC BOOK
P. 205
qCase Initiation or Case Status (Prepare)
qIncident Synopsis (Prepare)
qProvided Information (Prepare)
qDiscovery or Disclosure (Prepare)
qWitnesses or Persons of Interest (Prepare
and Inquire)
qBackgrounds of Involved Parties and
Witnesses (Prepare and Inquire)
qInterviews, Contacts or Statements
(Prepare, Inquire and Analyze)
qInterview Summaries and/or from
Transcripts (Inquire and Analyze)
qScene Surveys or Investigations and
Descriptions (Inquire, Analyze and
qInvestigative Processes (all components –
Focus on Inquire)
qInvestigative Findings or Expert Opinions
(Inquire, Analyze and Document)
qKey Points of Opposing Investigation
(Inquire, Analyze and Document)