Page 53 - 2020 BPS Year Book
P. 53
Guitar, I have really enjoyed guitar lessons this year. I feel like I have improved. Jacinda Ardern, it was exciting to meet the New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Writing with Sarah, it was fun to write with Sarah and see the end product and share it with the whole class.
Oliver Higgs
Going to Willow Park for Kapa Haka to perform. Doing road patrol when the Year 6’s were at camp. Meeting Jacinda Ardern at the mall. For moving up in my reading three years.
Ben Kimpton
I used to think that P.E. stood for pointless exercise, but Miss Sullivan pushed me and now I like it. I am very lucky to do my swimming lessons and with that ability I won at the Swimming Sports Day and I’m going to Inter School. My class and I met Jacinda Adern in the Birkenhead Mall and she has so many bodyguards and we took lots of photos. I got picked for ICAS this year and I did Mathematics and Science, I got a cookie and pizza. Tom Fletcher
This year I got to meet Jacinda Ardern! I entered road patrol, and training was in the rain. I thought I was going to freeze. Camp was so fun, I got to climb the rock climbing wall with no help. In the beginning of the year I was reading 9-9.5 years now I’m up to level 13-14 years old.
Belle Zheng
I am really proud of myself because I passed every single level in spelling. I am proud of myself because I got better in handwriting. I am proud of myself because I got way better at Reading. I am proud of myself because I got better at Maths and I am doing bigger equations.
Rovi Neno
ICAS , it was my first time ever and I was doing both Math and Science, I remember I just finished on the last second! Cross Country, I ran for 1.5km, it was crazy. Beating my trembling legs was the hardest thing of all. "5 4 3 2 1” in my mind. Finally I’m done. Reading, the questions were the thing turning my mind. I went from 10-10.5 to 12.5-13.5 years, I improved by 2.5 years in 1 year.
Lin Gan
I have moved up from early stage 5 to stage 6 in my Maths which is 3 levels up from the beginning of the year. I took on the responsibility of doing the sports shed and road patrol when Year 6 were on camp. After having a few years with the same friends, I took up the confidence of trying to make some new friends and I wasn't disappointed. I achieved my country information report all about France and learnt some pretty awesome facts.
Jemima Cawkwell