Page 51 - 2020 BPS Year Book
P. 51
Reading because I have gone from reading at a 11 year old, up to a 13 - 14 year old. Cross Country because I did the best that I had ever done. New friendship because I made Ollie as a friend. Handwriting because I had never done cursive writing before.
Nico Wickenden
I finally said good afternoon instead of saying good morning in the afternoon. Getting better at cursive writing. Climbing higher than I usually would climb in rock climbing.
Jason Tan
Math because I have a good understanding of multiplication and can use a range of strategies. Cross Country because I came 7th, I was amazed and I got into Inter School. New friends because Ollie is very kind.
Freddy Ward
Giving Cricket a go this year. Going to school camp and trying new things. Performing at Kapa Haka and performing in front of a crowd
of people.
Bella Alley
Math because I am 1.5 levels higher than I’m supposed to be. Meeting Jacinda Ardern for the first time and actually meeting her in person. One of her helpers, my mum knew. New friends, some are really fun but the best new friend is Ollie. He's the class comedian. He's funny.
Seb Baarspul
Speeches, I really enjoyed researching and practising my speech. I did it on how to communicate with cats. Cross
Country, I felt nervous about cross country this year but, I did
well and enjoyed it. Reading, I
am proud of myself for doing well in Reading. I improved and
went up levels. It was fun.
Millen Blijlevens
We met Jacinda Ardern. It was amazing when we saw her, but when it was time to take a photo this girl was blocking the way, unfortunately I wasn't in the photo but it was still cool meeting her. Camp was fun, the best part was when we played spotlight. On pink shirt day we did a lot of fun activities. Most of the activities were sports.
I came first in Inter School Cross Country and helped Birkenhead Primary win the team event. Me and my friends did the sports shed duty at lunch while the Year 6's were at camp. In high jump I got one of the highest heights out of Room 14 and 15. I had lots of fun doing my speech and I think I did really well. When doing my information report I learnt lots of stuff about budgies
Vincent Quan and lots about South Africa. I got to the very top of the WWW.BEECHTOWNELEMENTARY.EDU.COM
high rock climbing wall at camp.
Lucy Britten