P. 16

AUTISM CENTER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      View of Reception

         PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The objective of the  Wayfinding  and  color  blocking  are  important
         project was to design an autism  day center  element in the space. Materials were selected
         responding to the lack of facilities for autistic  for  their  natural,  biophilic  and  acoustical
         children over 18 years old. The center focuses  properties.  The  choice  of  color  minimizes  the

         on  teaching  daily  life  skills  to  help  them  amount  of  visible  stimuli.  Indoor  air  quality,
         transition to  a  more independent  life style.  thermal  comfort,  natural  daylight  and  safety
         A central core has  been created  that  will  were  important  components  taken  into
         act as a point of reference for the individual  consideration.
         and enables them to assimilate information
         each time. The space is zoned between high  CONCEPT STATEMENT: Routines and schedules
         and  low  stimulus  areas.  The  presence  of  are  important  for  autistic  people,  and  these
         transitional zones helps the users recalibrate  notions helped inform the design, and the space
         their senses as they move from one level of  planning process.

         stimulus to another.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       View of Week Schedule

         ORIENTATION.                                                                                                          Floor Plan

         DIFFERENT  COLOR DOORS TO                                                                                              LOCKERS     AND     SCHEDULE      ROUTINE     BOARD      WITH
         INDICATE DIFFERENT ACTIVITIES                                                                                          NFOGRAPHICS  TO REMIND THE LIST  OF ACTIVITIES AT THE
                                                                                                                                START OF THE DAY AND CLOCK TO LOCATE THE TIME

                                                                                                                                TO RESPOND TO AUTISTICS’ SPEECH LANGUAGE LIMITATIONS,
                                                                                                                                TECHNOLOGICAL  ASSISTING  DEVICES  AND  PICTURE-BASED
                                                                                                                                COMMUNICATION SYSTEM IS PLACED IN HALLWAYS AND ON
                                                                                                                                SCHEDULES TO COMMUNICATE (PICTOGRAMS)
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