Page 5 - OEM Products & Solutions
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Custom Online Shopping Experience

                         JUST FOR THE OEM MARKET

      •  APEX has the ability to provide either a product based or OEM machine
          based online shopping experience

      •  Real-time price and availability across North America
      •  Feature rich product attribute data
      •  Online order entry, tracking and purchase history                                                           LEADING  OEM SOLUTIONS

                                cAPPture™ an APEX member company, offers a SaaS model
                                to help assist OEM companies with their digital online strategy

                 Catalog                                 IoT                                Profit

      •  Easily catalog machinery and     •  Ability to connect to sensors on   •  By creating an online catalog,
          upload spare parts onto cAPPture   their machinery to collect data and   your customers will be able to
          through your  mobile device.       track usage to predict a problem      save time and money by
                                             before it happens.                    freeing their employees from
      •  Uploads and organizes spare parts
                                                                                   tedious phone calls and emails.
          in real-time.                   •  Will alert your mobile device of any
                                             issues.                           •  Ability to standardize
      •  Easy navigation for their End
                                                                                   manufacturers of your
          Users to troubleshoot and locate  •  Allows End Users to avoid a problem
                                                                                   preference, allowing you to
          spare parts digitally, rather      before it occurs, thus saving time,
                                                                                   negotiate for additional rebates
          referencing bulky manuals.         money and resources.

                                                        Business Consulting                                 

                                                           Value Add                 Custom Solutions

                                                                             Call Apex Today: 866-924-2808
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