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                        Biotic Farming                         Cover crop species are selected to bloom throughout the
                                                               growing season, giving season long forage for bees, butter-
     “Biotic Farming”, a phrase coined and adopted by Brendon   flies, wasps, beetles and other beneficial.
     Rockey, is all about observing and working with nature
     and taking care of the soil. Rockey’s San Luis Valley, CO   Companions
     potato farm has undergone some radical changes over the   Never one to be complacent, and after witnessing the benefits
     past 20 years as they took a hard look at what wasn’t work-  of plant diversity in his cover crops, Rockey decided to attach
     ing on the farm, and opted to change things. The result—  two Gandy boxes to their Grimme potato planter to seed com-
     the birth of Biotic Farming.                              panion plants like chick peas, field peas, chickling vetch, fava

     Rockey states, “Soil health is imperative and the fundamental   beans, and buckwheat, right into the seed potato crops. The
                                                                                             legume  heavy  companion
     principles are universal, regardless of the crop being grown.”                          mix fixes nitrogen, supports
     In conventional agriculture, weeds, diseases and insects are                            phosphorus    mobilization,
     attacked with a “let’s kill it” mentality, but eventually resis-                        and the flowers create addi-
     tance develops, effectiveness is decreased, and the natural                             tional beneficial insect hab-
     living systems which could have helped solve the problem                                itat, which is crucial for suc-
     has been decimated. Rockey reflects, “We realized that we                               cessful biotic integrated pest
     could either be pro-biotic, or anti-biotic. We chose to wipe                            management (IPM). Colora-
     the slate clean and start again with being pro-biotic.” They                            do State University research
     are now chemical-free with less weeds, disease, and insects,                            on this practice concluded
     and improved soil fertility and structure, all while decreasing                         that the companion plants
     water usage and harvesting high quality potatoes.                                       provide the potato crops with

     Flowers                                                                                 a Potato Virus Y defense.
     Aphids and thrips are a serious pest problem in potatoes,   When not in potatoes, the traditional rotation crop was
     but conventional insecticide control is harmful to all insects   barley, but today it is a diverse cover crop mix of nearly 20
     and will ultimately negatively impact soil health. Leveraging   species of plants. This green cover menu feeds the soil and
     beneficial insects is a big part of the biotic strategy. Rockey   the soil biology as a carbon fixing green manure buffet. “We
     plants flowering strips of annual cover crops in and around   get the benefits of each of these species every single year,”
     fields to serve as insectary strips for both beneficial insects   Rockey said of the diversity of plants in his green manure
     and pollinators (even though pollinators are not necessary   mix. “Each of the green manure crops has a specific benefit,
     for potato production). Beneficial insects are attracted and   and the plants collaborate, not compete and these covers
     provided with habitat for nutrition and reproduction. These   have made huge changes in our soil-borne pathogens and
     “good guys” are the defense force against the “bad guys” like   soil fertility.” This soil health translates to increased potato
     aphids, a disease spreading vector, and thrips, a tiny spud   plant health with higher brix level and makes these healthy
     leaf feeding critter. The insectary strips have eliminated the   plants less attractive and susceptible to insects and diseases.
     need for insecticide applications, and while pests are not   While it has taken Brendon and his crew 20 years to make
     entirely eliminated, the predator/prey insect population is
     in balance and damage is kept below economic thresholds.   the changes and implement their Biotic Farming system,
                                                                                             he thinks it can be done
                                                                                             much quicker for those with
                                                                                             a  passion  to  change.  “It’s  a
                                                                                             choice between promoting,
                                                                                             enhancing, and nurturing
                                                                                             life into the system, or being
                                                                                             ‘anti-biotic’ and killing ev-
    Photos by Brendon Rockey                                                                 make the choice to change,”
                                                                                             erything—and anyone can

                                                                                             concludes Rockey.

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