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table selling drinks and snacks. This is being done to keep the fair within the state’s COVID- 19 Reopening Guidance for Festivals and Fairs and to make it manageable with our limited base of volunteers.
Our plan has been approved by the Hebron Selectmen pend- ing the situation with the pan- demic. Everyone’s safety is our number-one priority. We have es- tablished a date of June 1, 2021 as the go/no-go date.
In addition, the committee is looking at sponsoring another Hebron Town Yard Sale Day on September 4, the Saturday of Labor Day weekend, similar to the one we ran last year. We are considering selling some of the items that would have been sold at the white elephant, rummage, auction and books tents outside on the grounds of the church. We would again invite others in our community to run their own yard sales that day. As with the fair, we will assess the pandemic situation and safety concerns as
 Library Celebrates Success with Strategic Plan
   we get closer to the event.
As always, the fair is sponsored by the Union Congregational
Church of Hebron. Please visit our website at hebronchurchfair. orgformoreinfoandupdates.
BRISTOL - The month of March marked 18 months since the Minot-Sleeper Library launched its first strategic plan with three ambitious goals. The goals laid out are: Library re- sources will be available and ac- cessible to a broader population within the region; The library’s physical space will be optimized to meet the needs of the com- munity; and Innovative commu- nication techniques will be used to disseminate information.
Library staff and trustees set goals based on feedback from the community and have made great strides to reach these goals. The accomplishments thus far are thanks to the enthusiastic and innovative library staff, trustees, and community members who have put countless hours into making new initiatives happen.
A few of the many accom- plishments achieved in less than 2 years include launch of home delivery service for home-bound individuals, creation of Little
Free Libraries to be installed outside the Tapply Thompson Community Center (TTCC) and another at one of Bristol’s town beaches, installation of a Story Walk in the Butterfly Gar- den, additional shelving added to the DVD collection, use of base- ment shelving for expansion of the Friends of the Library's book sale, connecting with Plymouth State University for a branding and communications project, and expansion of the library’s digital resources including streaming video and additional e-books and downloadable au- diobooks.
The staff, trustees, and com- munity members who take part in the library’s working groups continue to strive to reach the goals set. Community feedback is always welcome and can be submitted to Library Director Brittany Overton at librarian@ or mailed to Minot-Sleeper Library 35 Pleas- ant St., Bristol, NH 03222.

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