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                                                                                  Page 20 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM April 2021
By Carolyn J. Phinney
Kelly Gordon, Sculpting Her Dreams
How many of us have goals that have been sitting and wait- ing for us to go after them? Kelly Gordon had one for the last eight years, enter a figure competition. For the last eight years, she had the shoes, the outfit, and the in- tention but nothing seemed to click over that time. Either a coach would not work or some- thing else would get in the way. She recalls, “the last time it fell through, my grandmother was re- ally disappointed. She wanted to see me accomplish my dreams.”
Kelly has always been involved in working out on way or another. To her, it is her Zen. “It’s my “out”. When I am stressed or anxious, I release all of it during my work out. It’s the way I found to let it all go and feel better.” From gymnastics as a young girl to participating to obstacle course races, one of them being Spartan Races, she has found a way to a happier life is through releasing the stress within the body by mak- ing it active. “By working out, I felt better. I feel less anxious and not depressed. With feeling bet- ter, you start to eat better. They start to go hand in hand.” And, to eat better and work out more was what was going to be needed to enter competitive body figur- ing. Those two requirements along with a coach and determi- nation to make it happen.
To compete has been on the
bucket list for some time for Gor- don. “This was out of my com- fort zone and I wanted to say I did it. As a personal trainer, she knew that the best way to com- pete is to have a coach. Since that was one of the
obstacles that have stopped her over the last eight years, she was not sure when it would happen. Until, one day, she met Crystal Borges. Crystal knew about the world of body figuring competi- tions, but she had never coached any- one before. Kelly asked her is she wanted to coach her. Borges stepped out- side of her comfort zone to help Gordon step outside of hers; new to coaching with new to competing. Together, they made an unstoppable team.
For the last six months Gordon worked out and, with the guidance of her coach, got herself ready for a chance to compete in an Organized Competitive Body figuring (OCB) contest. From lifting weights, to eating right, to walking classes, and full body tanning sprays she did the work. In the competition she would be judged on her athleticism to the
body in regard to female muscu- larity; good balanced proportion regarding symmetry and her front, back and side posing show- ing off her muscle definition. She would compete in her first OCB
the closer that I got to going out there, the more excited I got. I had one moment of nerves when all the other competitors walked in backstage, but I have a great coach and her little pep talk re-
minded me why I was doing this. It was for me.” She went on to say, once on the stage any nerves left disap- peared. She felt com- pletely in her element like she had done this a hundred times before. “It was really strange as I didn’t feel awkward on stage at all. Once I got there, I just ignored everything and just did my posing,” she said.
When asked if she hit her goal it was a happy Yes! “My goal coming into the com- petition was to finish I the top five of all three categories,” she said. “I even came really close
to getting my pro card, so need- less to say that is going to be my next goal.”
Originally this was supposed to be just something that she had always wanted to accomplish and put that check mark next to it on the proverbial bucket list but, in- stead it has sparked a fire in her. By the time she walked off stage she knew she was more than hooked on the newfound sport.
“I really enjoyed being on stage showing off all my hard work and dedication,” Gordon said. I was really excited to be on stage and that is not the type of person I am, but it was a good challenge for me to see if I could do this. From there my confi- dence level only grew and I am ready to do another one. “She is already signed up her next on October 9th,
Gordon has two children (19-year-old son and a 13-year- old daughter) who are both ex- cited and proud of their mothers’ accomplishments. When asked what her grandmother had to say about her accomplishment, Kelly replied, “she was happy and ex- cited for me! The competition fell on her birthday and she was able to watch it via live stream. During one part of the competi- tion, the competitors got to talk, and I was able to wish her Happy Birthday. She was ecstatic.”
While this new adventure is exhilarating for Gordon, she still plans on participating in her ob- stacle course runs with her son and daughter who both started running with her at ages 12 (son) and 6 (daughter).
“This was so much fun that I think that I’ll be doing it for a couple more years, but I still want to do the obstacle courses during the spring and summer. Figure Competition will be in the fall and winter,” Gordon said. “Now that I’ve come in contact with the sport, I want to become a men- tor and teach clients how to get involved in it. My goal would eventually become a coach.” When asked if she wanted to say anything to anyone if the chance, Kelly said, “I want to thank every- one who supported me through this whole journey. It means the world to me to know that I had such a great support team. Espe- cially, my Mom who helped out tremendously with my daughter while I trained!”
Its inspiring to see two women deciding to step out of their own comfort zones to try what they have always wanted to do even if was uncomfortable. Not only has it pushed them in their own lives, but it lets others know that they, too, can accomplish their goals and dreams.
 in three categories (Novice, Debut and Open A) and for a first timer participating in the sport she did quiet well. Gordon took home fourth in both Novice and Debut while capturing the top spot in the Open A category.
Although this was something different and outside of her com- fort zone, when asked if she was nervous before the competition, she recalls, “the funny thing is
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