Page 7 - APRIL2021
P. 7

April 2021
Page 7 Community
 PLYMOUTH -- Grafton Re- gional Development Corpora- tion (GRDC) and three partner regional economic development corporations--Belknap, Coös,
and Wentworth—will be allo-
(NH SBDC) business advisor for Grafton County as they continue to manage the challenges of the pandemic. NH SBDC advisors have been an invaluable resource
throughout the health crisis and
 RELEASE Contact: Britta Hallberg
opment Organizations to pro- at (603) 536-2011 ext. 1 or email vide this much needed financial GRDC at connect@graftonrdc.
to partner with the CDFA, Grafton County, and the other Re
support to our small business org.
anizations to provide this much needed financial support to
community,” said Anne Duncan To request SBDC business Cooley, GRDC’s chief executive advising and for more informa-
Anne Duncan Cooley, GRDC’s chief executive officer. “Th
officer. “The need this year has tion, visit the NH SBDC website
ry and we’re grateful for this collaboration to help more sma
been extraordinary and we’re ( grateful for this collaboration to ___
help more small business clients
sses mthayn ervecr ebeivfoere.u”p to $2,500 in direct grant funding for e
nses, working capital, and minor construction or modificatio
Qualifying businesses may re-
Regional Development Corpo-
ceive up to $2,500 in direct grant
classified as a for-profit entity with five or fewer employees
funding for equipment costs, op-
ration (GRDC) is a 501(c)(3) or-
art-up mode, located within Grafton County and meet speci
erational expenses, working cap-
ganization dedicated to creating
opportunity for and supporting plicantistala, raendamlsionoer ncocnosutrruactgioendotro meet with Rita Toth, NH Sm
modification projects. An LMI
entrepreneurs and small busi-
nter’s (NH SBDC) business advisor for Grafton County as t
nesses in Grafton County.
enges of the pandemic. NH SBDCGaRdDviCs’osrserhvaicveseabnedepnroa-n i
business must be classified as a
for-profit entity with five or fewer
alth creimsipsloayeneds, bceointicnuurrentoperoa-vide no-cost, confidential bus
tion or in start-up mode, located within Grafton County and meet
nesses have been hard hit by the Coronavirus pandemic,”
GRDC provides no-cost business
advising, offers a variety of small line, and many have seen a drambautsiicnedsselcoalinse, skinillsi-ntrcaoinminge,.
specific income requirements.
ing as simple and seemingly inexpensive as purchasing fac
Applicants are also encouraged to
meet with Rita Toth, NH Small
networking events and webinars eline toBussmineassll Dbeuvselionpemsesnet sCetrnyteirn’sg to stay afloat.”
Small Businesses to Receive
COVID-Related Expenses Relief
Additional CARES Act Grant Funds Announced for 2021
About Grafton Regional De-
velopment Corporation Grafton
grams strengthen local businesses
to grow the economy, keep good
local jobs and build wealth.
as well as flexible office and con-
ference room space for entrepre- neurs and start-ups.
Visit for more information about small business
advising, business loans, educational seminars, profes-
sional skills training, and leasing office space. Follow GRDC on
LinkedIn @company/grafton- rdc, and Instagram @enterprise- centerplymouth.
  istrative Coordinator
elief 21
ration (GRDC) and
50 years of award winning sign
and Wen
ll Security Act of 2020
design and craftsmanship
Full service sign shop; from concept to installation
Service and Refurbish old signs
for low- to
iated wCithomprmepearicnigal-Residential-Carved- LED-Vehicles
gio ou e ne
ll b
r small business
ed this year has usiness clients
   quipment costs,
n projects. An LMI
, be in curre fic income
all Busines hey continue nvaluable re
iness advisi
noted Dunca emasks can
to ource
s n
These grant funds
Wraps - Interior - Exterior - Camp/House
- Mention this ad for a special discount -
cating more than $200,000 in
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
Economic Security Act of 2020
(CARES Act) grant funding to
small businesses negatively im-
pacted by the Coronavirus pan-
continue to provide no-cost, con-
mall Businesses to Receive COVID-Related Expenses R
demic. and seemingly inexpensive as
Additional CARES Act Grant Funds Announced for 20
fidential business advising.
Marketing & Admin
(603) 536-2011
“Many small businesses have
been hard hiht ablylbtehergCbo@rognraavif-ton
rus pandemic,” noted Duncan
Cooley. “Something as simple
The Community Develop- purchasing facemasks can re-
ment Block Grant - CARES Act ally impact the bottom line, and
Funds Program (CDBG-CV), many have seen a dramatic de-
., March 25, 2021 -- Grafton Regional Development Corpo
administered by the Commu- cline in income. These grant
ional economic development corporations--Belknap, Coös, nity Development Finance Au- funds can really be a lifeline to
e than $200,000 in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic
thority (CDFA), is for low- to small businesses trying to stay
nt funding to small businesses negatively impacted by the C
moderate-income (LMI) micro- afloat.”
enterprises and start-ups to offset
costs associated with preparing
for, responding to, or recovering
For more information about
the Community Development
Block Grant - CARES Act
evelopment Block Grant - CARES Act Funds Program (CD
from COVID-19. Funds Program or to apply for
he Community Development Finance Authority (CDFA), is “We are pleased to partner grant funding, visit www.graf-
(LMI) microenterprises and start-ups to offset costs assoc
with the CDFA, Grafton County,
and the other Regional Devel- grants or contact Britta Hallberg
, or recovering from COVID-19.
r a
g d
e e
l e
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