Page 6 - March Newfound Lake Life
P. 6

Warrant Previews
By donna rhodes
ALEXANDRIA – As an SB2 town, voters in Alexandria will find 13 articles on the ballot this year, including the election of town officials and an operating budget of $1,962,811 that has been recommended by their Budget Committee. This year’s budget is $45,000 higher than the previous year’s budget and should it be approved, it would have an estimated tax impact of $6.38/$1,000 on property own- ers.
During the First Deliberative Session on Feb. 10, an amend- ment was brought to the floor to lower the new budget by re- moving $70,000 from the police department. That amendment failed however and the total rec- ommended budget was retained
for the final March vote.
Five other articles this year
pertain to lease agreements for highway department equip- ment that were approved over that past five years, totaling $103,783. Other deposits to expendable trust funds for fire equipment, Town Hall and Emergency Management total an additional $35,000.
The amount of $265,187 is being sought for the repaving of town roads and the estimated tax impact on that expenditure would be $1.34/$1,000. The town also seeks to raise and appropriate $50,000 for the design and permitting fees for the new transfer station, the land for which was purchased in 2020. That article would have an estimated tax impact of $0.25/$1,000. It was approved
unanimously by selectmen and received a vote of 4-2-1 from the Budget Committee.
A petitioned article is also asking voters to cast a “Yay” or “Nay” vote for a proposal to adopt a permitting ordinance in the town, which petitioners be- lieve could “protect the health, safety and welfare” of residents. If adopted, the ordinance would mean that no building (including a mobile home) intended for res- idential or commercial purposes could be moved into or erected in the town without a building permit. Among the require- ments are specifications that ap- plications for a building permit must also be presented with an approved driveway construction permit and a state-approved septic system, if applicable, as well as (but not limited to) other
permissions such as approval from the Public Utilities Com- mission, the N.H. Wetlands Board and N.H. Environmental Services. Other building and fire codes would also be required for approval as specified in the or- dinance. Anyone proven to have violated the ordinance could be subjected to a fine not exceeding $100/day for each violation plus all legal costs accrued in connec- tion with the matter.
A complete copy of the 2021Warrant is available at the Town Offices during normal business hours.
Elections this year will find George Tuthill seeking re-elec- tion to the Board of Selectmen, Fran Skiffington looking for another term as Town Clerk/ Tax Collector, and Suzanne Cheney running once more for
Cemetery Trustee and also as a Trustee of the Trust Funds. Paul Sirard is seeking his first term as Road Agent in 2021 and Ed- ward Skroback is looking to fill one of two positions open on the Budget Committee. All are run- ning unopposed.
The only contest this year is for two 3-year terms on the Planning Board. While incum- bent Harold Platt has signed up to run for one of those openings, he is joined this time by Bryan Richardson as well as incum- bent Merry Ruggirello, who was unable to register in time but is running as a write-in candidate.
Polls in Alexandria will be open on Tues. March 9 from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. at the Town Hall, located at 45 Washburn Rd. in Alexandria Village.
Alexandria Wraps Up It’s Second Deliberative Session This Month With Elections and 12 Articles on the 2021 Warrant
 Janet metcalf resident of Bristol
It has been a rough year for all of us, with covid health risks, school closings, job losses and businesses shut down. Some- times it has been hard to see through the rough times. That is why I am so encouraged by two warrant articles in Bristol coming up at the Annual Town Meeting on March 13th.
The two initiatives are a town solar array and a recycling infrastructure expansion pro- gram.
The recycling initiative would allow the Town of Bris- tol transfer station to bundle and sell cardboard to recycling vendors with plans to add other items in the future. Most of the funding for this project comes from existing town funds and grants with taxpayers being
asked to contribute a small amount equal to $.04/$1,000 tax valuation. (If you have a $100,000 home, your share will be $4, just once.) This one time investment will help reduce the costs of trash disposal over all. In a few short years, the project will be paid for and recycled items will then produce revenue for the town. This is a good in- vestment at a time when fees for waste removal continue to rise
each year.
The solar array project will
provide power for the town’s WasteWater Treatment facility. This project does not require any investment from the Town of Bristol. Residents will bene- fit from lower sewer and water fees.
Both of these projects are being recommended by the Town Select Board and will be voted on at the Bristol Annual
Town Meeting. I believe these projects are environmentally sound and economically bene- ficial to our community.
If they are passed, Bristol will join a growing list of towns in the New England Region that are planning for the future by doing what is right for the envi- ronment and keeping it afford- able to town taxpayers.
LetterToTheEditor SupportForBristolWarrantArticles
• Finish Removal • Repairs
• Restoration
• Canvas Sewing • New Creations • Welding
• Caning
• We L❤ve Basket Cases
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     2020 Bristol
Town Report
March 2nd
The 2020 Town Report will be available on March 2nd! Copies can be ob- tained at the Town Offices, Newfound Impressions, Newfound Regional High School, and at the other Town buildings. They will also be available at the Town Meeting which will be held at Newfound Regional High School at 9:00am on March 13th.
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