Page 11 - JUNE2021
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                June 2021 NEWFOUNDLAKELIFE.COM Page 11
Light at the End of the Tunnel, Now Shines Community
 By Brittany amalfi
After months and months of waiting, we finally see a small light at the end of the COVID tunnel with this vaccine. How- ever, even though we are finding a sense of normalcy, local busi- nesses might have their hands full with what’s to come.
Now that restrictions are being eased, and more places are free to open up, local busi- nesses have been faced with hir- ing shortages that make opening plans a little tricky. The National Federation of Independent Busi- nesses released a survey from March stating that about 40% of small business owners had many job openings they couldn’t fill. Independent businesses re- main vigilant. They work to tai- lor their methods and practices to adapt so they can continue running their business and sup- plement their career. However, small companies can only adjust so much during a pandemic, and at some point, something has to give.
There is a multitude of dif- ferent reasons why employees may not be willing to work. Some people are choosing not to get vaccinated as well as people fearing getting the coronavirus.
on Help Wanted Signs
Restaurant staff and grocery store workers might find them- selves hesitant putting them- selves on the front lines as they serve customers. Not to mention, working parents might be having trouble locating sufficient child- care as they scramble to get back to work. There’s also the matter of the weekly unemployment payment adding to the lack of motivation to get back to work so soon.
Frank Mcclain, the Executive Director of the Pemi-Valley Hab- itat for Humanity, reported that they were extremely fortunate with their employees throughout the pandemic as well as current times. Mcclain informed me that ReStore was able to keep most of their seasonal employees, and they anticipate hiring more col- lege students. However, the Ex- ecutive Director told me that he had seen many companies with a more specialized trade hurting with these hiring shortages. He brought up a good point that companies who cater to a par- ticular skill can’t afford to hire people who don’t possess those specific skills. They need to hire qualified candidates to get their business to boom. Mcclain in- formed me that this is another reason why his organization
was so fortunate; because they are looking to partner with solid people rather than focusing on specific skill sets. For ReStore, they’re more focused on finding people with solid personalities. “We’re very fortunate because we seem to attract the right ap- plicants for the work we do,” Mcclain states. “We have an amazing staff, and they have re- ally weathered the storm.”
Holly Kerouac, the owner of the Newfound Country Store,
informed me that, like Pemi-Val- ley, they were also fortunate during COVID. However, now that the vaccine is out and we seem to be returning to a sense of normalcy, things have been a bit more difficult finding new employees. Kerouac informed me that the Newfound Country store pays its employees more than corporate stores and offers year-round opportunities, yet she still has open positions. The store owner believes that more federal funding should go to childcare centers seeing as there are so many struggling with hiring staff, which affects not only families with children, but also the whole company.
Even though we see that light, there is still a lot of work to be
done. As local businesses begin to ease restrictions, it is up to the community as a whole to support them in different ways, so those places can continue to supply re- sources and enjoyment. We lost too many businesses during the pandemic, which was a down- right tragedy, and we can’t afford to lose any more. Actually, it’s not that we can’t afford to lose anymore; it’s that we just don’t want to. These local businesses do so much for our community and neighbors, and we can re- turn the favor. So, order some takeout, buy some gifts, tip well, and make a few donations. A lit- tle can go a long way. Lastly, and most importantly, have patience and be extra kind.
3 Lakes Landscape Supply 10 Hamilton Way
Tenney Mtn Hwy Plymouth, NH
As the community population rises for the summer season. Please have patience for the businesses that are short staffed and doing the best they can to accomodate everyone.
The Plymouth area’s best choice for landscape and hardscape products, outdoor equipment and tools, dock supplies and materials, and small engine repair.
(603) 412-2006
Winter Hours: Mon-Fr 7 a.m.-4 p.m.

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