Page 11 - Llano Happenings March 2018
P. 11

The Mission-Minded of Llano Grande Resort con't

     The Schmitt's are permanent residents and they  The kits contained: 5 pads, under pants, soap and a
     accept and distribute donations year-round.               washcloth, packed in a colorful cotton bag made by

                                                               the Bee.  The mission group provided a plastic bin to
     After meeting with Louis and Tomi I had the               hold all the supplies.  The girls had an opportunity to
     pleasure of meeting another Llano Grande                  submit any questions they had about reproduction
     couple, Bob and Sam Schmitt, who have been                and the nurses made sure to answer all of them in
     doing mission work for many years. They also              the class. The teachers said the girls were so happy
     collect clothing, household items and furniture.          to have something they needed so much.  In a three
     As our Winter Texan season comes to a close they  month follow up with the teachers, we found that the

     will be collecting food donations for a local hospice  girls are indeed able to stay in school and found the
     on 18th Street. Partially used items are acceptable  feminine hygiene kits to be very helpful.
     too. You may drop off your donations at 207
     Fernando, where you will find a refrigerator in their  One of the goals of the mission group is to make
     carport to store items such as condiments or other  their efforts as sustainable as possible.  With that
     perishables you are not able to use before                thought, Carol made patterns and step by step

     you leave the valley.                                     instructions on how to make the feminine pads so
                                                               they could be made at the school. Many Bee
     Contributed by Carol Sylvester
                                                               members were kind enough to send sewing supplies
     Carol Sylvester, a member of the Llano Grande             with Carol.  The school had one sewing machine
     Quilting Bee, was encouraged to participate in            which was repaired during the trip and 3 additional
     a medical mission trip last October. This                 machines were purchased.  The potential of the
     opened up yet another opportunity for Llano               supplies ignited so much enthusiasm that a
     Grande residents to give and make a                       classroom was immediately set up with the
     difference.                                               machines, cutting tables and solar power. It was

                                                               decided that sewing could become a life skills class
     Last season, Christine Sylvester, an RN working           for the girls offering them an opportunity to make a
     with a medical mission group from First                   living.  A teacher was hired to teach the girls and is
     Presbyterian Church, made a presentation to the           being paid $75 a month.
     Llano Grande Quilting Bee. She shared about the
     young girls she encountered at Daylight Model             The Llano Bee has made a tremendous difference in

     School in Kapenguria, Kenya and the problems              the lives of these young girls. If they can stay in
     they had with feminine hygiene. The young girls           school, they can become leaders in their community.
     were in need of feminine hygiene products                 If they can learn a life skill, like sewing, they can
     Christine explained. The ladies of the Bee were so        support themselves and their future families. It isn't
     moved, they decided to make washable feminine             often we can contribute our time, talent, funds and
     pads from flannel and cotton for them.                    prayers and see such direct, successful results.

                                                               Thank you to everyone who sewed, contributed
     In October 2017, Christine's mother, Carol, was           materials and money and offered prayers for the
     invited by the mission group to participate in the        girls of Daylight Model School.
     medical mission trip. In doing so, she was able to
     deliver the hygiene kits and help in the hygiene           The season is coming to an end and
     training provided by the nurses to more than 60
     young girls and their teachers.                            your donations will make a difference!
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