Page 7 - Harviestoun Mischief
P. 7

 mischief club
Ptarmigan (tar-mi-gan)
Tawny Ale
Traditional tawny bitter. Aromas of driedfruits and citrus peel compliment the sweet malty base of this beer that has a pleasant lingering aftertaste.
Citrus, Spice, Bready
Appearance: Tawny
Smell: Citrus, raisins,
Taste: Citrus peel, sweet malt
Hops: East Kent Goldings, Challenger, Permiant
Malts: Barley and Wheat Malt ABV: 4.5%
Format: 9L Cask only
  Cask Ale
Limited availability: October - December 2019
  Join the Mischief Club for all Harviestouns special releases!
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