Page 12 - Women’s Yellow Pages (FlipBook)
P. 12


             The best form of self-care starts with love; love for yourself. When we love and accept ourselves for
             who we truly are, self-care flows more naturally without added guilt.  As women we often have roles
             of caring for others and often put our own needs on the back burner. Your body may give out causing
             sickness or disease.

             We can’t stop stress entirely, but we can lessen it and we can decide how we are going to let it affect

             1. Learn how to say NO! Sometimes we have to say no, taking on too much only causes stress and
             can lead to feelings of resentment, anger or feeling unappreciated.
             2. Don’t compare your life to what you see on someone’s social media page, it’s filtered.  Finding joy in
             your life is the best way to care for yourself.  An easy way to find joy is making time to spend with good
             friends and family members.
             3. You can find joy in your hobbies.  Find something that brings you joy and take the plunge.
             4. Make an appointment with your doctor when needed, this is an important part of taking care of your-
             self. Talk therapy is another good form of caring for yourself.  Talking to a professional that can’t gossip
             or give you their personal opinions. Their job is to listen and help you come to the healthiest conclusion
             on your own, which is extremely therapeutic.I’m proud to state that I have had many an “Ah Ha” mo-
             ment while talking it out with a therapist.
             5. I normally suggest unplugging, but if you don’t already have a self-care routine there are many
             resources online to get you started, such as guided meditations, yoga, tai chi, breathing exercises,
             traditional exercises, EFT or tapping and many more.  Self-help books are also a great resource.
             6. If you can afford to have someone else care for you in the form of a self-care treatment, I highly
             recommend monthly visits to your local holistic healthcare provider for treatments such as, Massage
             therapy, Reiki, Reflexology, Chiropractic care or Acupuncture.

             If you don’t feel like you have the time or the money, just start by loving and accepting yourself as you
             are RIGHT NOW! You can’t love others as well if you don’t love yourself and you can’t truly receive
             love until you love yourself. Start making the time for yourself today

                Bethany Schaub, Founder of Transcend Bodyworks in Bridgeville offering over 13 years ex-
                perience in holistic healthcare.  Services include, Massage Therapy, Reflexology, Reiki, ear
                candling, body contouring, and infrared sauna treatments or workouts.
                Transcend Bodyworks...rise above your limits.

                533 Washington Ave Suite 204
                Bridgeville PA 15017
                (412) 221-5650

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