Page 59 - Women’s Yellow Pages (FlipBook)
P. 59

To expand our current

                   supplier base, we

                     are seeking out
                    certified diverse                                   “Every tour should provide

                vendors for services                                    guests with something

                such as landscaping,                                    to learn, something to

                 janitorial, computer                                   experience and something
               supplies, electricians,                                  to remember with a smile.”

                       plumbers etc.                                    Kim Adley

                                                                        Owner and Tour Designer
                If interested, please                                   Passport to Pittsburgh

                    email stephanie.

     or                                      Passport to Pittsburgh’s
                                                                        “Tourism Trifecta”
                                 call                                   Knowledge, Experiences and Fun

                     (412) 505-4099.”



                          * - Women-Owned Business
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