Page 106 - Homes amp Gardens UK February 2021
P. 106


                                           rior to becoming an interior decorator          most treasured finds,’ Daniel explains. He adds,
                                           at Sibyl Colefax & John Fowler, Daniel          ‘We are entering an age of repurposing, which is

                                           Slowik managed the company’s                    something my company was doing when they were
                         Pantiques division, and it was in this                            decorating country houses back in the 1950s. Our
                          capacity that he first met the owner of this Victorian           emphasis now, as it was back then, is on couture

                          terraced town house in south London. ‘She is a                   decorating – if you refinish a piece beautifully, it will
                          passionate collector and she would come into the                 come back to life and last for many years to come.’
                          Brook Street shop all the time,’ Daniel recalls. He                Daniel’s approach to upcycling also applied to the
                          continues, ‘Twenty years on, she got in touch with me            fittings within this house. ‘I’ve increasingly been

                          via Instagram to say that she and her partner were               trumpeting about sustainability and not throwing
                          downsizing to a house around the corner from their               things away when they are perfectly good,’ he
                          previous home and she wondered if I could help.’                 says, citing as an example the property’s existing

                            As owner and designer strolled from the larger                 kitchen cabinetry. ‘It had rather unattractive
                          house to the smaller one, a plan began to emerge as              panelled units but we filled elements of the panels
                          to how a lifetime’s collection could be curated and              and repainted everything. We then added beautiful
                          shown in a new light in this more petite property.               reeded knobs, which put our stamp on the room.’

                          ‘From the outset we knew that this wasn’t going to               Where new joinery was required, Daniel worked
                          be a case of acquiring new pieces; rather, it would be           with his draughtsmen to create classic designs, such

                          about re-covering, re-polishing or repainting her                as the drawing room’s elegant bookshelves that have →

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