Page 145 - Homes amp Gardens UK February 2021
P. 145


                                        H O W T O C O M M I S S I O N

                                         A       G A R D E N                           D E S I G N E R


                                          TO HELP YOU MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR OUTDOOR SPACES

                        The Society of Garden Designers (SGD) is a great                 you’ll be quoted at a fixed price. Ben Chandler

                        place to start your search, as the registered designers          says that he would usually approach at least three
                        have all been subject to scrutiny and the adjudication           different contractors to enable cross referencing
                        of their projects, with the letters MSGD and FSGD                of costings for the client.

                        denoting a qualified member (visit              Remember that your garden designer is a business
                        designer). ‘Most designers are “civil engineers” with a          professional so you may be asked for a deposit
                        love of plants, meaning that the entire project comes            upfront and then they may invoice after the
                        under their jurisdiction,’ says Louisa Bell MSGD.                completion of each stage. Most designers will include

                        But it’s not just about the technical side, says Juliet          a draft stage in their fee, so you have a chance to look
                        Sargeant FSGD. ‘A good designer has the imagination              at a proposed design and discuss changes.
                        to create a bespoke design for you, the ingenuity to

                        solve the site problems and the practical experience             WHAT CAN I DO TO ENSURE THE
                        to implement the plans cost-effectively.’                        BEST OUTCOME? Being clear about your
                                                                                         needs from the offset will help with the design
                        HOW DO I CHOOSE THE RIGHT                                        process and a good designer will make sure to draw

                        DESIGNER? One of your key considerations                         out every detail about exactly what your wants and
                        will, of course, be style and aesthetic. Acting on a             needs are. A designer will produce tailored-made
                        personal recommendation can be useful, but Ben                   designs to match your budget; if you under-estimate

                        Chandler MSGD of Farlam & Chandler feels that                    you could restrict the initial creative concept, if
                        ultimately you must make the final decision and you              you over-estimate you could be disappointed if the
                        should always choose a garden designer whose taste               design has to be scaled down or re-worked in line

                        and style is aligned with your own.                              with your actual budget.
                          Juliet Sargeant says it is important not to base                When it comes to design, Ben Chandler urges that
                        your decision purely on beautiful photographs of                 you be open and critical from the beginning. ‘If the

                        completed designs, but also ensure that you are                  client is unsure or does not have a clear direction,
                        going to enjoy the process of commissioning a new                it’s the designer’s job to steer them in the right way,
                        garden. ‘Having an initial consultation with the                 putting in front of them decisions that enable them
                        designer is a good way to see if you can work well               to make informed choices,’ he says.

                        together, allow them time to look at the garden and
                        listen to your brief,’ says Andrew Duff MSGD.
                                                                                                      “THE BEST PROJECTS ARE

                        HOW IS IT COSTED? Price will inevitably                               FORMED BY A GREAT WORKING
                        vary based on the complexity of the project but
                                                                                                         RELATIONSHIP AND THE
                        generally they are all costed around the same basic
                        set of principles. Andrew Duff tells us that costing is                   PROCESS IS FUN. THE RIGHT

                        all about clarity. ‘I lay out all the costs associated                     DESIGNER WILL BE ABLE TO
                                                                                                                                                          FEATURE TERESA CONWAY
                        with the design right at the start,’ he says. The build
                                                                                                        HELP IN THE RIGHT WAY”
                        of the garden is costed based on a detailed set of
                        design plans, construction drawings and from these                                  BEN CHANDLER, Farlam & Chandler

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