Page 67 - Homes amp Gardens UK February 2021
P. 67

T H A T 2 0 2 1 F E E L I N G


                                    HOW BEST TO STEP INTO THE NEW YEAR WITH A BRIGHT OUTLOOK

                             CHARLOTTE REY is the co-founder                                        DR ASH RANPURA is a
                             of the award-winning design partnership and                    world-renowned neuroscientist and co-author

                                  creative consultancy Campbell-Rey.                              of How To Be Human: The Manual.

                            We need a more holistic approach to decorating.                A lot of how we can feel better comes down to what

                          People are spending more time at home than ever so                 narrative we tell ourselves about our lives, and
                         it is important to evaluate what they want from their            about the year we will experience. There was a study
                          spaces in a more thoughtful way, rather than seeing               after the 9/11 attacks that examined people who
                           decorating as another job to get done. That starts               had defibrillators already fitted to monitor their

                         with celebrating the beauty at the heart of everything.           heart rhythms. For three days, there was no change
                          If we buy or make something beautiful and share it                in their arrhythmias, unless they happened to be
                            with others, then it becomes part of a nurturing             right next to the site. But a month later, their readings

                          ecosystem. I believe that we are all creative, and the           went up dramatically, correlating with how much
                           home is a blank canvas. But we should all be more               news they consumed. If we can generate a positive
                           confident in pushing the envelope and celebrating             narrative about what we’re living through – even if it is
                         diversity of taste and expression, rather than relying          terrifying – it will affect not only how we feel mentally,

                               on what other people think is meaningful.                   but have positive health outcomes, too. That’s on a
                         The climate crisis and environmental concerns have                global level, but our immediate surroundings – our
                         made society question whether they need to buy new.              homes – are important, too. To make our lives better

                           It could be choosing recycled materials, such as a              we also need a sense of agency, meaning we need to
                           reclaimed wood dining table, or buying antiques,              do something physically, rather than just consuming.
                             which younger people are doing increasingly.                I recently built a bed for my son. It is not beautiful, but

                           Antiques come with their own narrative and story                my son loves it because it’s the only bed in the world
                               and help give a space a sense of grounding.                  that his dad made for him, and so that fact makes
                           Thinking more collaboratively is going to help us               me feel great. Figuring out an action that gives you

                         live and work better: the old way of hoarding the best          agency is healthy because it reduces anxiety. The third
                           contacts for yourself has to change. Last year, for            thing we can do is practice acceptance. There are lots
                            example, the designer Rita Konig opened up her                of things about myself that I wish were different: one
                           private list of antique dealers – a list she had spent          of which is that I never call my friends. I’ve realised

                          time sourcing – to help increase sales for these small           that I just don’t like the phone very much. Once you
                           businesses, which was an incredibly generous act.               accept the things about yourself that you’re just not
                          It’s that kind of thoughtfulness and sharing that we               going to change, you’ll feel much more content.

                            need to increase in the design profession, as well                    

                          as in our private lives, as a way to nurture ourselves.
                                                                                                     ONE TO DOWNLOAD
                                                                                            CortexCast, a podcast where leading neuroscientists are
                                    LITTLE BLACK BOOK                                       interviewed on a range of topics, from depression to pain
                                                                                                      perception to the science of sleep.
                         My favourite shop is The Artichoke London on Chiltern Street.
                           The space was designed by Gabriel Chipperfield, then the
                             interiors were curated by his wife Laura de Gunzburg.
                                       It’s on the site of Shreeji News.

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