Page 98 - Homes amp Gardens UK February 2021
P. 98


                                                ver the last decade, Shareen Joel          the back in double brick. Oversized panes of floor-to-
                                                has amassed dozens of vintage              ceiling glass bathe the whole area in light and bring
                                                French doors and window                    a wonderful connection to the outdoors. In between

                         Oframes, locking them away safely                                 the old and new parts of the house, an intimate
                           in storage. ‘I was patiently waiting for the right place        den was created and is tucked away between two
                           to put them,’ says the Melbourne-based architectural,           sets of antique panelled double doors.

                           industrial and interior designer of her collection.               A central box module was designed for the
                           ‘I just knew this house was it. I built the renovation          kitchen to hide most of the home’s storage,
                           around these doors.’ Coupled with classic Italian               compartmentalised with everything from the fridge
                           furniture, clean lines, Australian artwork and a cool,          to dinnerware drawers and even shelves for luggage.

                           neutral palette, the effect is a modern European look           Absent of clutter, the clean lines and poised
                           that’s equal parts charm and sophistication.                    simplicity of Shareen’s long-held furniture from the
                            When Shareen and her husband Dean purchased                    likes of B&B Italia, Gubi and Arne Jacobsen are

                           the Victorian-Italianate villa on a leafy street in             showcased with dignified restraint. Aside from the
                           Melbourne, the gloomy interiors were dated and dim              study with its colourful gallery wall, great care has
                           with an excess of ‘grandma carpets’. The compact                been taken to ensure there is no jarring or clashing.
                           house was disproportionate to the rambling garden                 There are fun pieces of objet d’art, but they are

                           and while Dean was hesitant, Shareen’s designer’s               presented with subtle wit. On display in all white is
                           instinct kicked in. ‘I was convinced of its potential           a shelf of plump country-style roosters and 3D
                           from the moment I saw it,’ she enthuses. ‘I could               ceramic fruit bowls overflowing with faux grapes.

                           visualise it finished so sketched up a plan that night.         There are also Alessi classics Shareen rediscovered
                           The first time Dean saw it was after the auction.’              when unpacking gifts from her wedding. ‘I got
                            The 1800s interiors showed their age. Cornices                 married 20 years ago but had kept everything in

                           were wobbly and walls skewed, but Shareen was                   boxes until now. These pieces have made me smile
                           adamant they remain. ‘Everyone told me I should                 all over again with their distinct humour.’
                           strip it all, that I needed to restore the cracks and             Great consideration has been given to the use of

                           slanted doors but I refused. I was content with the             authentic materials, with sandstone work surfaces,
                           fact that there were imperfections. I was adamant               wide pine floorboards and a smudged, milky polished
                           that it not be new, boring and soulless,’ she explains.         plaster stairwell. A natural palette of furniture
                            The existing layout was basic, comprising a lounge,            complements the serene environment that opens

                           two bedrooms (one with en suite), powder room                   up to nature with a lush rear garden, Tuscan-style
                           and WC to the left of a central spine that stopped              courtyard and, upstairs, a view over the treetops from
                           abruptly at the end of the corridor with a lean-to              wraparound picture windows. ‘It’s hard to do things

                           kitchen. This was reorganised with a bedroom                    simply so they don’t look too “done”,’ admits Shareen.
                           converted into an office and the wet areas joined.              It might have been hard work behind the scenes, but
                           Generous outdoor space provided opportunity for an              the outcome is a home flush with ease and grace. &
                           addition, so a beautifully proportioned open-plan

                           kitchen, dining and living room was ballooned out               ■ Shareen Joel Design,

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