Page 16 - Primary (2) - English - Main Course_Neat - 03
P. 16
Unit (1)
★ Present Simple:
- Remember to add an “s - es” to the verb with (He - She - It).
★ Yes/No Questions, (Verb to Do):
• Ask and answer with a friend:
• Do you get up at four o’clock?
- Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I get up at five o’clock.
★ Nouns:
- Nouns could be people, places, animals or things.
★ Adjectives:
- An adjective describes a noun and adds more details to it.
★ Common Nouns, Proper Nouns & Verbs:
- A “Proper Noun” is a special name for a person, a place, an
organization, a day of the week, a month of the year, or
even an animal.
- While a “Common Noun” does not have a special name.
- About the verbs, the focus is given to the “Action Verbs”.
★ Present Continuous:
- The children will learn the change in spelling when adding
“ing” to the verb. They will also be able to tell about and
describe a certain thing happening using the present
continuous tense.
English – First Term
– Unit One