Page 34 - Primary (2) - English - Main Course_Neat - 03
P. 34
Read, think and guess: “What is it ?” Then, choose and write.
( elephant – giraffe – snake – fish – butterfly – eagle – bee )
1) It is a small and pretty insect with four colourful wings. It
usually flies.
• It is a …………………….
2) It is a tall and brown animal. It has a long neck and four long
legs. It eats leaves.
• It is a …………………….
3) It is a long animal. It has no legs. It lives in deserts.
• It is a …………………….
4) It is a fast animal. It always swims and it never walks.
• It is a …………………….
5) It is a big and slow animal. It usually walks. It sometimes
stamps and runs. It eats plants and grass.
• It is an ……..…………….
6) It has a hooked beak and two wings. It has powerful talons.
• It is an ……..…………….
7) It is a small insect. It can fly. It usually stands on flowers. It
makes sweet honey.
• It is a …………………….
English – First Term