Page 4 - Primary (2) - English - Main Course_Neat - 03
P. 4


            Dear Parents,

            It is a pleasure to introduce to you this humble effort, represented in this
            Booklet for more and extra practice on “Connect Plus” course book.

            There are five main sections that are embedded in this booklet:

            1) Language & Vocabulary:

            They are introduced through exposing the children to everyday language
            and through the given knowledge and information about things they can

            see and experience in their life.

            2) Grammar:

            It is meant to be given as part of the language use. It is taught to children
            in the same way they acquire their mother tongue.

            3) Accuracy & Punctuation:

            “Accuracy” helps the children to focus on the subject verb agreement as
            well as the word order, which help in being accurate while writing any
            piece of writing.

            Whereas, “Punctuation” helps to indicate the pauses and the emphasis on
            certain ideas or thoughts that are discussed in a text.

            Both, “Accuracy and Punctuation” improve the children’s writing skill and

            raise their sense of language.

            4) Phonics:
            Teaching children to learn reading phonetically, speeds up the process of

            reading and spelling.

            5) Values & Life Skills:

            In this section the children learn lots of values and life skills. It is very
            important to apply what is being taught in this section at home. As
            practice turns into habit and habit changes into lifestyle.

                                                                 English – First Term
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