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Have  you  ever  been  to  an  underwater  concert?  Here’s  your

       chance! Get ready to rock it out while you are snorkeling under
       the sea in Florida Keys. Divers and snorkelers can explore the
       only  living  coral  barrier  reef  in  the  continental  United  States

       while  jamming  out  to  a  unique  sub-sea  concert  on  Saturday
       July 11th during the Lower Keys Underwater Music Festival.

        Bill Becker, founder, coordinator and
        music  director  of  UMF,  started  the
                                                               Afterwards,  a  local  radio  station
        underwater music concerts as a way
        to    raise      awareness         for    coral        sponsoring  the  event  promotes
        preservation.  For  the  past  35  years,              environmental  sustainability  and
        hundreds  of  divers  and  snorkelers                  responsible  diving,  as  they  play
        have  come  together  for  the  festival.
        The  free  Underwater  Music  Festival                 their sea-themed music underwater
        kicks     off    with      a    presentation           through         speakers        that       are
                                                               suspended  under  boats  situated
        discussing  the  importance  of  the
        local  reef  system.  Due  to  the                     above  the  reef.  While  you  swim
        continuous  threats  of  coral  reef                   among colorful tropical fish, you'll
        extinction  around  the  world,  it’s                  listen  to  an  all  ocean-themed
        crucial  that  they  remain  protected:
                                                               playlist,      selected      by      Becker,
        reefs       provide        an       important          featuring  songs  like  the  Beatles’
        ecosystem  for  sea  life.  In  fact,  the
                                                               “Yellow Submarine” and “Octopus
        United  Nations  has  prioritized  "Life
        below       water"        as      Sustainable          Garden”.  The  music  director  even
        Development  Goal  14  to  "Conserve                   insists that the fish like to dance to
        and sustainably use the oceans, seas                   Jimmy Buffett’s “Fins.”
        and marine resources for sustainable

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