Page 11 - The-Colonnade-of-Estero-Brochure-2020_2
P. 11


          Is my Reservation Deposit           What happens if I (we)
          used for constructing the           outlive my (our) financial
          Colonnade?                          resources?
          No. Your Reservation Deposit is     Once a resident, always a resident
          held in your own escrow account,    at The Colonnade. As long as
          directed by The Colonnade.          the depletion of your resources is
          The construction dollars come from   through your normal lifestyle,
          the funds borrowed to construct     that you don’t give your assets
          and operate The Colonnade.          away or do something with them
                                              to impede your ability to meet
                                              your financial obligations, you
          What if I want a certain            will remain a resident of our
          floor plan, but it’s currently      community.
          not available? Can I put
          my name on a list?                  Can I change my apartment
          Only Reservation Depositors can     home selection?
          add their name to an internal       Yes, you can.
          waiting list for a type of specific
          apartment home.
                                              If I tell my friends about
                                              The Colonnade and
          What if we have health              they decide to become a
          or functional changes               Reservation Depositor,
          while we are waiting for            then a resident of the
          The Colonnade to open?              community when it opens,
          This is one of the most significant   what happens?
          benefits of being a Reservation     You will earn a substantial
          Depositor at The Colonnade.         Referral Fee through our
          If you have a life change, you      Reservation Depositor Referral
          have Guaranteed Occupancy.          Program for each referred friend
          This means you will have a home     who becomes a resident of
          at The Colonnade when we open,      The Colonnade!
          regardless of your health status.
          We will help you determine
          which level of service you may
          need at that time. In addition,
          you will have access to our
          in-home services, for a fee, to help
          you manage at home while you
          wait for The Colonnade to open.

        Design and Information Center  |  21101 Design Parc Lane, Unit #101  |  Estero, Florida 33928           9
        (239) 202-0505  |

                                                                                                           PCOA #: 31808
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