Page 5 - The-Colonnade-of-Estero-Brochure-2020_2
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LOCATION. The future
is yours
he Colonnade of Estero is
Tperfect for those who to embrace.
want all the Gulf Coast has to
offer, but for whom the beach And protect.
isn’t the biggest attraction.
The Colonnade will be located
just east of Sandy Lane, off
Corkscrew Road in The Galleria
Complex. Right here in and
around Estero, you’ll find: he Colonnade of Estero is a Life Plan community that will
offer a maintenance-free lifestyle as well as lots of opportunities
• Community green space and Tto make new friends and engage with the world around you.
parks throughout the Village. Here you can participate in a wide variety of entertaining, healthful,
• Nearly two dozen golf and socially engaging programs, activities and events, all of which
courses—nearby and within can lead to living a longer, happier, and healthier life.
an easy drive.
• The beautiful Estero River, The Colonnade will offer the full continuum of residential and
home to a variety of care accommodations, including independent living, assisted living,
watersports activities. memory support, skilled nursing, and short-term rehabilitation
• Outstanding shopping, services. Plus, The Colonnade campus provides a safe and secure
dining and entertainment environment for all residents.
venues, classes and events.
• Hertz Arena, home to a All of this is made available through a practical
multitude of sporting events financial approach to independent senior
and live entertainment. living. A one-time entrance fee, along
• Mound Key Archaeological with a monthly service fee, will
State Park, which holds secure the lifestyle you want and
the keys to Florida’s ancient the asset protection you need.
history and the people
who lived it.
• Koreshan State Park,
dedicated to the unique
lifestyle of the pioneer sect, CALL TODAY and ask about our
features restored nationally special incentives: (239) 202-0505
registered historic buildings.
• Florida Gulf Coast University Plan to visit us soon to see our model
and its Renaissance Academy, kitchen and virtual tour at our Design
the region’s premier lifelong and Information Center.
learning program for adults.
Design and Information Center | 21101 Design Parc Lane, Unit #101 | Estero, Florida 33928 3
(239) 202-0505 |
PCOA #: 31808