Page 5 - โครงการ คอมพิวเตอร์และการบำรุงรักษา
P. 5


                  Project Name          Website learning materials Computer and maintenance

                  Research operator  Miss Ganlaya Sanjan

                                        Mr.Thannawat Simsiriwat

                  Field of study        Digital Business Technology
                  Field of work         Digital business

                  School year         2022


                           This project has operational objectives to have knowledge and understanding about
                  the maintenance and safety principles of using a simple computer Be careful when using

                  computers as teaching materials Which has various contents And study the use of programs
                  related to creating websites for learning is a program that facilitates information And various

                  forms by using technology communication to help teaching and learning to be modern in

                  the presentation. Information on the teaching and learning website For more benefits It also
                  allows students to learn knowledge and be able to use it
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